The first quest ever to appear in AO, now on Arcanum
- better late than never, eh? Actually this quest, as far as quests go, is one
of the more extensive and also well-balanced there is as it pertains to all sides.
And if you haven't done it yet, you really should. |
It wouldn't be quite right to do this quest so late after it showing up without
going into a few of the nightmares that has followed it's birth and seeing how
the designers went back and forth before everything was finally in place.
First came the little robots, and there was much rejoyce. Popping up around major
settlements, these little fun fellas would throw snide remarks at you before suddenly
attacking, and besides just being something out of the ordinary, they also provided
a good fight and some neat loot back then. It was not uncommon for each of them
to drop high-level bracers and rings (and also the parts needed for the first
quest), and for those who could, these bots would be hunted down on a regular
basis. At first they didn't do anything though, as the quest wasn't even implemented
Then came Alvin and Dodga, the two characters that would eventually give out the
missions. They caused some major headaches like no other. First off, they would
dissapear after anyone talked to them, and have a 2 hour despawn before they showed
up again. Back then, talking to NPC's was still done in vicinity, so it was first
come first served. With thousands of players trying to talk to these at the same
time, with 2 hours inbetween, you can imagine the ridiculus amount of 'camp-hours'
and anger that stockpiled every day.
At first, only the first of three parts worked and people really looked high and
low to figure out what came next. Looking back, it was chaotic times in the world
of Rubi-Ka - but enough of the 'good old', let's cut to the chase and show you
how it's all done these days, in a much prefferable setting.
First off, the special agents responsible for setting it
all off - Alvin Odeleder (Omni-Tek) and Dodga Demercel
(Clan). If you happen to be one of the undecided yet, and still lingering around
the neutral zones, you can just pick either one and go with it.
Although you do not need to visit these before starting your quest, you will have
to go see the one for your side once you get rolling. Alvin Odeleder operates
out of the Omni-Tek outpost in the middle of Lush Fields, at 1540x2500 and Dodga
currently hangs around a place called The Rising Sun, a small plateu south-east
of Athen (on the zone border) |
Neither of these dissapear anymore, so just strike up a conversation with them
as you usually would any npc. There's a slew of questions to be asked and answered,
but it's all fairly obvious so you shouldn't have any trouble going through it
and getting the first step of this grand quest uploaded to your interface.
Dismantle Robots and other Animated Machinery...
Credits: 20.000 - Exp: 20.000
Pads of Interest or Shoulderpads for the suspicious
1 Mission Token & 1 Bravery Token |
Onto the task at hand. We need 8 separate pieces of strange robotic parts. These
can be found on several different places on Rubi-Ka (see a compilation of suggestions
at the end of part 1 below) but have one thing in common - yep, they drop from
robots, where robotic creatures frequent. Being that there are so many parts involved,
this can often be a mind-numbling process as with a low drop rate and chances
of finding plenty of duplicates, you're often looking at kiling hundreds and hundres
of mobs to assemble all pieces. The last missing piece of course being the hardest.
The pieces you need are as follows:
Suspicious Looking Parts of Biotechnology
Interconnected knots of faintly stirring, rubbery material |
Liquid Based Conductors
Rigid, tough and very thin tubes, used to conduct weak currents in biotechnology
Scrap of Notum
A thin flake of what appears to be very pure notum |
Large and partly fused lump of strange
tetrahedral CPU bundles
A bit charred lump that looks like several weird shaped microprocessors wedged
Microscopic Pulsating Nano Crystals
Condensed droplets of swirling nanobots |
Ancient Looking Lamp Relay
A small oblong light-bulb, really ancient looking
Bundle of Nano-Tubes
Oily to the touch - and incredible minute bundles of what seems to be
hollow tubes
Highly plastic mother-circuit array
A motherboard of some sort, but when you pick it up you realise it is not rigid
like most of its kind, but is highly plastic
Once you have them all, or even the first few in the correct assembly order, you
can start putting this strange contraption together. The pieces must be assembled
in the correct order - by using piece #2 on piece #1, then piece #3 on the combined
#1 and #2 etc - from top to bottom of the listing starting with the Suspicious
Looking Parts of Biotechnology and ending with the Highly plastic
mother-circuit array. Combining these pieces yield a low xp return too.
All done, you will end up with this strange contraption:
Suspicious looking
polyhedral casing - emitting strange sounds
A very suspicious looking polyhedral casing emitting warmth and occasionally some
strange sounds, like in 'I am sure he was trying to say something' sounds.
Problem solved - this is just the thing Alvin and Dodga are looking for, and returning
this to them will complete the first part of the mission. Although you can find
and assemble this without having been told to, be very sure you actually have
the mission running when you try and return this, as otherwise you will only loose
it. Upon completion, you will be awarded with the nice shoulderpads we're after:
Pads of Interest
Shoulderpads for the Suspicious
The first level pads are quite identical for the Clan and Omni-Tek side, and adds
several nice bonuses. 75 extra health and nano, +4 to First Aid, and 20 to all
Armor Classes, all in the right or left shoulder slot. Requirements to wear are
belonging to the appropriate side, and being level 30 or higher. For neutrals
this works a little different, and for some odd reason they can do these quests
- for either side - and wear the pads of their choice, or even both.
In addition to the first level pads, you'll also be rewarded with two tokens -
one regular token (giving x amount of tokens based on your level/titlelevel) and
one bravery token.
And last, besides the new pads you'll also find in your inventory a card - very
important, keep this one and don't loose it as this will unlock the quest for
the second level pads.
Alvins Card I
Dodgas Card I
Ready for more action? Head on over to Part
2 of this quest.
Hunting for robot-parts:
- Mech Dogs, slightly north and north-east of Rome (Rome Stretch, 500 x 1000)
- Buzzsaws & Junkbots in the area around Trash King (West Athen, 1600 x 1000)
- Elite A-500 & A-500 Soldiers in Omni Forrest (Greater Omni Forrest, 1600
x 2200)
- Buzzsaws by the acid pool south of the Oasis (Newland Desert, 2850 x 700)
- Buzzsaws & Technoscavengers at the Bot Mountain (Greater Tir County, 1650
x 2200)
- A4000's along the northern border of Greater Tir County
- Probes in Harrys Outpost (Lush Fields)
Mechdogs are typically around level 40, Probes around 30, Buzzsaws around level
10. The levels on the A-500's to A-4000's vary greatly but the lower end of the
scale starts around level 60 and they end up at around level 130. Mechdogs are
considered to be the ones most 'worth the time and effort' though.
Last updated 06. September 2003
Neviro, Atlantean
Fanica, Rimor
Joklhaups, Atlantean
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