Rather a cold fish, this Omni-Tek colonel as you might
have noticed - but a cold fish with a mission. And that mission is to rid Rubi-Ka
of clans, no matter what the cost might be. And in trying to do so, Kaehler has
died.. many, many many times... |
Colonel Kaehler might not be the friendlist character there is.
In fact, he's quite unfriendly - especially if you belong to the clans.
If you still find yourself wanting a.. "chat" with the good man, you
can always visit Omni-Forest at the Barracks Region 700 x 2000. If you are at
the coordinates and Kaehler isn't here, it most likely means he's recuperating
from the last clan raid and wont be available for at least another 18 hours while
he gets re-equipped. |
Like with the clan-equivalent - Kelly
Frederickson - Colonel Kaehler will shoot opposing forcces on sight. And
he does tend to hit hard. Very hard. His modified Mendix Biomech AR-2a gun fires
radiation slugs at you with eerie precision so if you plan on taking him down
to exact some revenge, you might want to have some healing with you. That said,
the poor colonel is constantly under attack as soon as he shows his face there
- however, thats another story.
If you get lucky enough to pop him before he pops you, you might find some rather
nifty items about his body, most notably his sleeves which adds a whopping 36
to Full-auto and Assault rifle skills.
Kaehler Uniform Sleeves
These sleeves were specially designed for Colonel Kaehler of the southeast OT
It is strictly private property. Any other OT employee trying to wear it, will
be jailed, fined and lose his or her OT privileges. In severe cases even exiled
from the planet. |
The sleeves are clan-only, which leads us to believe that somewhere in Rome-Administration
there has been a fatal flaw in the distribution of these. Or it can simply be
that the Colonel likes to keep trophys from his victims. Noone knows and noone
will ever find out either, since talking to the Colonel is nigh impossible.
In addition to the sleeves, he might also drop his gun. Unfortunately, the gun
will be nowhere near as powerful when you use it - we suspect the Colonel has
some really souped-up Max Rad Damage% implants in him in order to hit the way
he does.
Mendix Biomech AR-2a
Colonel Kaehler always had a special interest in bio-mechanics. He was in close
contact with the old Mendix OT biomech development centres in Rome Green, and
willingly tested any of their new designs in the field. |
The gun is more of a memento really. And of course - never leave a weapon behind
for the enemy.

Last updated 07. July 2003
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