If you're either a Trader or an Agent in disguise,
the obscure Barter armor might be a fetish just for you. Besides looking rather
neat, and with some OK bonuses, it caters only to the few. |
Before starting this process, read through and note that the ingredients
needed are the same for that of the CAS
Symbiotic Armor - so be sure you know what you are doing as there's
a no-refund policy in effect here.
Also note that when done, this armor can only be worn by Traders, or Agents using
False Profession, Assume, or Mimic: Trader. It can still be traded to said professions
Aside from the above, it is a rather nice looking armor, and due to lack of use
will certainly give you that flare of uniqueness many are looking for. Anyway,
down to basics. |
The template for this armor is the Nano Armor, or Augmented Nano Armor (higher
quality). The easiest way to get either of these are mission rewards, or just
looking on the open market. A thing to note with Nano Armor is that it starts
appearing at quality level 75 and above. In this case we started with a 200 Augmented
Nano Helmet that was collecting dust in an old bank-box.
Augmented Nano Armor Helmet
The Nano Armor is designed by and for Nano Technicians. It is very lightweight,
as it relies on nanobots to provide most of the protection. The armor is plugged
directly into the user’s nervous system, and uses it for information-gathering
and data transfer. |
Next we need to pick up a Nano Programming Interface and some Inactive
OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots.
Nano Programming Interface |
Inactive OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots |
You can get the Inactive OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots from the Armor
and Clothing Components and the Pharmacy and Chemistry Components booths
and the Nano Programming Interface from the Tools booth. The Nanobots
are a bit expensive, so you might have to fork up quite a lot of cash, if you
intend to make a whole set. The QL of the Nanobots must be at least 90% of that
of the armor base, in our case, QL180 Nanobots will do the trick for our QL200
soon-to-be-boosted Head armor although higher is never wrong.
For every part of the Barter armor you intend to create you will also need two
Notum Fragments or Notum Chips, or one of each. These must be at
least 90% in QL of the Nanobots we only just now purchased, or the procedure won't
work. I.E., if you obtained QL190 nanobots, you will have to find two QL171 notum
chips (90% of 190 = 171).
Notum Chip |
Notum Fragment |
These drop from pretty much any mob now and then. Yes - it can be a regular pain
to get them, but it will be worth it. For really nice pieces, you should try hitting
some high level mobs in places like Eastern Foul Plains, Deep Artery
Valley, Belial Forest or Central Artery Valley, but they can
also be found on bodies in missions. A popular spot for finding low-level chips
is the Foremans Dungeon in the Longest Road, but you will need to hit the mobs
at the very end to get high enough quality notum for Barter armor.
With the chips in store, the first step is to combine the Inactive OT Metamorphing
Liquid Nanobots with the Nano Programming Interface. This requires
exactly four times the QL of the Nanobots amount of Nanoprogramming and
2.5 times the QL of Computer Literacy to achieve. In our case with the
QL180 nanobots, it would require 720 Nanoprogramming and 450 Complit.
+ |
= |
Activated OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
Metamorphing nanobots are used to change the look of things - and sometimes
also the properties and abilities of those things. To utilize this brew you need
to stabilize it
first with notum. |
We now have some Activated OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots. The next step
is to actually stabilize these nanobots. To do this, we need to combine the nanobots
with both of the Notum Chips/Fragments to make the finished item.
This step also requires four times the amount of the QL of nanobots in Nanoprogramming
and one times the QL Chemistry to complete. Again, in our case, 720 nanoprogramming
and 180 Chemistry.
+ |
= |
Super-Stabilized OT Metamorphing Liquid Nanobots
This solution can be used to change both the looks and properties of certain
items, like e.g. Organic armor, Graft armor and Nano armor. |
Now we are the proud owners of some Super-Stabilized OT Metamorphing Liquid
Nanobots. All you have to do now, is apply this liquid on the wanted piece
of Nano Armor and you will produce the finished item. This step requires, as the
previous ones, four times the QL amount of the Helmet in Nanoprogramming
to do and 4.5 times the QL of Chemistry. For our QL200 helmet, 800 Nanoprogramming
and 900 Chemistry would be needed.
+ |
= |
Barter Armor Helmet
The Barter Nano Armor is a modification of the original nano armor. It relies
on a principle of trade, where the armor exchanges augmenting nanobots against
building material for new bots. |
Don't worry about the icons being the exact same - the armor will still look different
when worn. The stats for a full suit are rather OK, armor-wise, but seeing as
there are better ways to use your notum chips, they would mostly be for rare cases.
Let's look it over anyway for quality level 200:
Barter Armor Helmet
+90 Max Nano
+90 Max Health
+5 Psy Mod
+18 Nano resist
Barter Armor Gloves
+10 Electrical Engineering
+10 Quantum Physics
+10 Chemistry
+6 Nanoresist
+30 Max Nano
+30 Max Health |
Barter Body Armor
+10 Computer Literacy
+120 Max Nano
+120 Max Health
+24 Nanoresist |
Barter Armor Sleeves
+20 Nano Init.
+20 Ranged Init.
+30 Max Nano
+30 Max Health
+10 Pharmatech
+6 Nanoresist |
Barter Armor Pants
+20 Vehicle Air
+20 Vehicle Ground
+15 Nanoresist
+75 Max Nano
+75 Max Health |
Barter Armor Boots
+30 Duck Explosives
+45 Max Nano
+45 Max Health
+30 Runspeed |
Once upon a time this part of the guide was bashing the Barter armor for having
very few bonuses to compare it to CAS (seeing as how they were released at the
same time) but with the significant boost to the armor, most notably the increased
HP and Max Nano, this armor is definitely not just a toy anymore, in fact, its
quite nice if you can put up with the incredibly low Chemical AC (which you will
see below where we present a full QL200 set).
AC Statistics of a full set
Chemical AC 1050
Melee AC 4200
Radiation AC 3153
Projectile AC 3153
Energy AC 4200
Cold AC 3153
Fire AC 3153
Poison AC 4200
Intelligence 541
Psychic 521 |
Max Health +420
Max Nano +420
Nano Init. +40
Ranged Init. +40
Duck Explosives +30
Vehicle Air +20
Vehicle Ground +20
Runspeed +20
Computer Literacy +10
Nanoprogramming +10
Pharmatech +20
Electrical Engineering +10
Quantum Physics +10
Chemistry +10
Psy Mod +5
Nano Resist +75 |
Final word
Overall, this armor gives you a lot of varied bonuses and whereas the strength
really lies in the tradeskill bonuses to Chemistry and Pharmatech, the max HP
and max nanopool are very handy as well. Complete the armor with some Chemical
AC implants and you cant get far wrong (and admit that the helmet is dead sexy,
Nano Armor has always been one of our personal favorites when it comes to the
Last updated 07. May 2003
Xrogue, Atlantean
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