Lately, newly arriving Tradercadets are getting a
new little toy to play with in the early days known as the Improved Solar Trader
Shotgun, and we have the lowdown on how to open this can of whup-ass on the lowbie
mobs around Rubi-Ka! |

The very first thing you equip as a Trader might very well be the Solar Trader
Shotgun given to you by your employers as you get started on Rubi-Ka. However,
the power-level of this shotgun might not be all that, so maybe you ought to think
about improving it?
The first thing you'll need is, obviously, the Solar Trader Shotgun given to you
as you start up in the backyard.
Solar Trader Shotgun
This Shotgun is hand-modified for short range, easy targeting and solar-powered
slug propulsion. (Using gravel and dirt as ammo...)
You might be able to adjust the weapon so that is performs better. |
Next we'll need a Screwdriver - you can obtain one from the Tools for Electrical
and Mechanical Engineering booth in any wellstocked store. It will set you back
around 2000 credits, but its worth it.
These packs seem to use some biologically based technology. They feel
warm to the touch and emit a faint smell of something burning. |
The process of making the gun is simple enough, just pick up your Screwdriver
and shift-rightclick on the Solar Trader Shotgun and you'll end up with the improved
counterpart. The process takes no skills to accomplish, so even the most devoted
Atrox can achieve it.
+ |
= |
Improved Solar Trader Shotgun
This Shotgun is an upgraded version of the Trader's startup weapon. |
There we go! As you can see from the comparison below, the main boost is to the
weapons damage capabilities. The requirement of the new shotgun is low enough
to allow any trader to equip it.
Solar Trader Shotgun |
Solar Trader Shotgun |
time 1.0 s
Recharge time 1.5 s
Range 10m
Damage 1-7 (5)
Projectile AC |
time 1.0 s
Recharge time 1.5 s
Range 10m
Damage 1-28 (28)
Projectile AC |
Profession Trader |
Profession Trader
Shotgun 10 |
Runspeed +10 |
Last updated 23.November 2003
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