The Mausser Chemical Streamer was certainly the talk
of Fixer-town when it first arrived. Have you ever wanted to own one, or wanted
to know how it is built? Come with us then, down this dark alley, and we'll give
you an offer you can't resist... |
Among the most popular arsenal a Fixer sports is the Chemical Mausser Streamer.
Its easy enough to build, it sports a very nice damage, and it has a larger damage-potential
than its little brother, the original Mausser Streamer.
To build yourself a Mausser Chemical Streamer you will need to obtain a
regular Mausser Particle Streamer to begin with. These can be storebought
up to QL125, and missioned for at higher levels.
Mausser Particle Streamer
The MPS holds twin chambers of Sub-Space Invigorators,
enabling a particularly nasty firing rate. |
You will also need a Composite Barrel and a Compression Chamber for
Chemicals, obtainable from the Ranged Weapons Components booth. You
will need a Sheet of Curved Carbonum Plating from your local Armor and
Clothing Components or Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Components
booth. All these parts should be within 5% in QL of the original Mausser in order
to make all the steps.
You will also need a Hacker Tool for the first step in the process. You
can get one from the Tools or Devices booth. Now - to the business
at hand. You need to hack your Mausser Particle Streamer by using the Hacker
Tool on it. The Hacker Tool must be at least 0.8 times the QL of the
Mausser Particle Streamer. This will break the weapon into little bits,
saving only the Mausser Particle Streamer Base. This takes 4.1 times the
QL of the Mausser in Break & Entry skills.
+ |
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Mausser Particle Streamer Base
This is the base of the Mausser Particle Streamer. |
Combine the Mausser Particle Streamer Base with the Compression Chamber
for Chemicals to complete the first step of the process, giving you a Mausser
Chemical Streamer - Step 1. This step requires you to have 4.2 times the QL
of the Mausser Streamer Base in your Weapon Smithing knowledge.
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Mausser Chemical Streamer - Step 1
For the second part, combine the Mausser Chemical Streamer - Step 1 with
the Composite Barrel, and you will have completed the second step in the
process. As the previous step, this requires 4.2 times the QL of the Mausser Streamer
Base in your Weapon Smithing skills. Only one more step to go until that
fixer lets loose a scream of joy.
+ |
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Mausser Chemical Streamer - Step 2 |
Finally, take the Sheet of Curved Carbonum Plating and wrap it around the
Mausser Chemical Streamer - Step 2 using your Mechanical
Engineering and Weaponsmithing skills. Hey presto! A fully functional
Mausser Chemical Streamer, ready to deliver some payload into that particularly
nasty mob that's been saying things about your mom. The requirements add up to
a total of 4 times the QL of the Mausser Streamer Base in Mechanical Engineering
and 4.05 times the QL in Weaponsmithing skill.
+ |
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Mausser Chemical Streamer
By comparing a Chemical Mausser to your standard issue one, you can see that while
requirements and attack-time are increased, so are your damage-stats, not to mention
the obvious fact that it now uses Chemical damage instead of Projectile, which
is a nice little twist, both in PvM and in PvP. Also, the Recharge time on the
MCS is severely lower than that of the MPS and the burst recycle seems a lot faster.
All in all this is indeed an interesting weapon, especially for fixers naturally
even if the trend today is using Manex.
Mausser Particle Streamer |
Mausser Chemical Streamer |
Attack time 1 s
Recharge time 3 s
Range 30 m
Clip 37
Damage 7-342 (250)
Projectile AC
SMG 814
Burst 611 |
Attack time 3 s
Recharge time 1 s
Range 16 m
Clip 50
Damage 1-400 (350)
Chemical AC
SMG 861
Burst 646 |
Final word
As you might or might not be aware of - there is a way you can build your very
own Mausser Particle Streamer using the SMG Construction Kits from
the Ranged Weapons Contruction Kits booth. This is really a great way to
go about things. It will take a while in order to get all the parts and so on
but in truth, this is the only weapon currently in the game that can be scratchbuilt
like this. Enjoy your new Chemical Mausser!
Last updated 18.February 2003
Genfire, Rimor
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