Braving your steps into the shadowlands, one aches
for a place to unwind and recuperate after the raging battles. This is where gardens
come in - erected to honor each side of the conflict's heroes, these lush and
tranquil garden monuments will aide you in your suffering. |

The second phase into the shadowlands will take you to the lush and evergreen Elysium. As always, getting the key to the garden of your chosen side for any zone is a good thing - it will help you travel much easier as well as learn a bit about the layout of the land. This particular key quest is for the Unredeemed (Omni-players) seeking to further improve their standings in the unredeemed hierarchy.
NOTE: To more quickly
navigate the lands when doing the key quests,
it's a good idea to stock up on a few insignias
of the zone's garden first. Since you can enter
the gardens without a key, but expending an insignia,
you can seriously cut down on the travel necessary
if you make use of the teleport statues found
inside the garden. For this quest, you would need
the Insignia of Shere.
Now, lets get our hands dirty in the raging conflict.
As with the previous Garden in Nascence, The
Garden of Thrak, we need to locate
someone with a higher standing and see if we can
help. In the case of Shere, this minion is the
Prophet Nar Shere. Nar Shere
controls the unredeemed fortification known as
Nero, and can be found looming on top of the grand
staircase leading into the fortress itself.
NOTE: Getting to Nero is easiest through the garden. Simply use an insignia on a statue and enter. You are looking for a statue in the garden called Passage to Nero (north) - use it and you should be exited very close to where we need to go. The exact coords for Nar Shere is 920x400, Nero.
Once found, strike up a conversation
and see if you are worthy a little task.
It pays to be humble with these fellas,
knowing your position in the grand scheme
for now. It seems Nar Shere won't have anything
to do with you, that is, before you prove
your worth. He will then give you a quest
to seek out several minions of the unredeemed
and get their approval for whatever awaits,
one by one. You will also receive a Sealed
Letter, which you have to show to all the
minions while getting their approval.
The list is long, but they all got to sign
it before you receive the second part of
this grand quest. Luckily the first few
are found around the Nero fortress. |
First out of the 3 minions around Nero is Follower
Man-Wox Shere, Nar Shere's right-hand
man, and standing right to his ...You guessed
it, right. Just talk to him and present your case
and you will be asked for the letter. Man-Wox
will sign it and hand it back to you. Next is
Visionist Jorr-Dom Shere, a similar
looking bloke, located just down the staircase
from Nar Shere. Hand him the letter for signing
too and he will.
The third is Hypnagogic Xum-Ixi Shere,
still of the same race as the other two up here.
He can be a bit tricky to spot as he is standing
on top of a pillar, just a few meters to the left-hand
side of Nar Shere (opposite Man-Wox). He is a
bit more nonbearing with whelps, so don't try
to pull anything funny with him as he will cut
you off rather abrupt. Be very humble when answering
his questions and he should eventually sign the
letter for you. If he does cut you off, or you
get his answers wrong, you can always try talking
to him again. All these 3 minions have the same
appearance and shouldn't be any trouble finding,
just tab around 'til you spot their names.
When these sign your letter your quest will update in each instance, letting you know who you need to talk to next, so keep an eye on that to be sure you get them all correctly. The next 2 minions on our list are located at another unredeemed fortress in Elysium, called Stormshelter.
NOTE: Stormshelter
is most easily reached by way of the garden again.
Find the garden statue you came out of to Nero
if you went that way, and use an insignia to get
back in. The exit statue you are looking for now
is called Passage to Stormshelter,
northeast in the garden.
The Stormshelter Fortress is located in Southeast
Elysium and is marked on the shadowlands worldmap.
Make your way up to the fortress - on your left
is a tower where you'll find the next two followers
we need. The first is Follower Yutt-Ixi
Shere and then Visionist Dom-Xum
Shere. They are standing very close to
each other on top of the tower, more closely around
700x550, Stormshelter.

5 down, 2 to go. From Stormshelter we need to
get our butts all the way up to a place called
Remnans where there is a small unredeemed settlement.
If aren't using the garden teleporters by now,
this is the time to start or you'll be in for
a long run. Remnans is located far to the north
of Stormshelter, in upper Elysium, and can be
a bit tricky to find.
NOTE: Enter the garden from the Stormshelter statue using another insignia and find the teleporter statue named Passage to Remnans - you should be exited right next to the minion we need to find.
In Remnans, the follower we need is Fortuitous Jorr-Fes Shere, at around 1600x720, area of Remnans. Once you also have Jorr-Fes' name on the list, it's time to find the last elusive minion, one Ardent Pi Shere. Ardent Pi is a bit further off than most statues, so you will have to leg it the extra distance.
NOTE: A close exit from the garden is Passage to Sabre's Cradle. Use an insignia to re-enter the garden and exit through this teleporter statue. From this exit, head east into The Black Peaks, then north to Grimwood Glade.
Ardent Pi Shere is located in
Grimwood Glade, near a highly visible crossroads
(on the worldmap). Look for him between Sabre's
Cradle and The Fallen Forest, around 930x1480,
area of Grimwood Glade. Tell Ardent Pi about the
letter and have him sign it. Once complete, you
have done the first part of this rather large
quest, and the mission will tell you to report
back to Prophet Nar Shere at the fortress in Nero.
You aren't far from Nero now, and looking at the
worldmap should get you there rather quickly.
Nar Shere will now let you talk to a minion higher up - Garboil Chi Shere, of the unredemeed garden. Use an insignia to enter the garden (gotten from Nar Shere on the completion of the Sealed Letter part) and locate the Garboil. He can be found at 445x520, Garden of Shere.
From Garboil Chi Shere, we
get our next part of the quest, which will
eventually lead us to the reward we are
after. It seems the Garboil suspects the
Redeemed are planning an attack, and your
task will be to scout out several of their
leaders. Garboil will hand you a Tracking
Device for this purpose, but you do not
have to use it as such - just leave it in
your inventory and it will register when
you target the mobs in question. This second
part is quite similar to the first part,
in where we have to travel all around Elysium.
There are 9 redeemed leaders to be tagged,
so let's get to it.
From the garden, use the teleporter statue marked Passage to The Jagged Coast - this will exit you close to the first redeemed village we need to spy on. |
The village is called Ripwell and you can see
it on your worldmap just a little west of where
we exited. Note that redeemed mobs will attack
you if you show any aggression if you con as green
or higher to them, so be careful. The first three
leaders we need to locate can be found in a hall
of sorts, just inside the village, 540x1760 Ripwell.
In turn, target Watcher Enel Ulma-Thar, then Sipius Enel Lux-Mara, and last Watcher Enel Ilad-Ulma. Just keep them targeted until your mission tab records the information and updates.
Since we are now moving around redeemed territory, travel will be longer as there is seldom any exits right were we need to go. You can still cut down traveltime by using the garden however, if you still have insignias to spend. The next redeemed village we need to spy on is Barter in South Elysium, all the way to the west side.
NOTE: Shortest way to Barter would be to return to the Jagged Coast exit, enter the garden again and then exit through Passage to Spade. Barter can be found a bit to the north here.
In Barter, the four leaders we are looking
for can be found around 900x1200, Barter. Look
around and find Watcher Enel Hume-Yeol,
then Sipius Enel Gil-Gil, then
Diviner Enel Thar-Thar, and last
Devoted Enel Cama-Lux. That's
seven down and two more to go. Next area is the
main redeemed castle of Utopolis - on your worldmap,
in the center of Elysium. To get there quickly
now, you are probably best of running. Consult
the map and make your way Northeast towards the
Utopolis entry - the castle itself is located
just a bit north of that.

First locate Watcher Enel Mara-Cama
on the bridge leading into the castle itself,
around 790x910, Chronos Canyon. The last redeemed
leader can be found in a settlement behind the
castle itself - you have to go further north a
bit and find a way behind the bridge to a grassy
clearing. Devoted Enel Thar-Ilad
can be found at 820x820, Utopolis. That's it,
we have them all. Check your missions tab and
you should see the task has changed, now showing
the reward and telling you to return to Garboil
Chi Shere with the tracking device.
Talk to the Garboil in the garden again for a
final mission complete, and you will be the proud
owner of the permanent Key to the Garden of Shere!
(as well as a tiny credit and XP amount) That
wasn't hard, now was it?
Key to the Garden of Shere
This is the key to the garden
of Shere. To use the key you need
to pick it up and click on the Shere
Besides now giving you instant free access to
the garden of Shere, and from garden to garden,
the Shere Key will also give you a bonus of +4
to Treatment and First
Aid when worn in the HUD1 slot.
Last updated 20. January 2004
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