In the arid wastelands of Greater Tir County, a scorpiod
named Torrith the Ancient has taken refuge. He lurks in the sandy dunes waiting
for the next hapless adventurer to walk by so he can shake his dentures at them. |

In the deserts of Greater Tir County, you might
run into this scorpiod by the name of Torrith
the Ancient. Torrith stands vigil over a small
patch of desert at 400 x 2200. He wont attack
you on sight like most other scorpiods but he
will defend his small desertpatch fiercly if you
decide to try to move him from it.
Torrith is indeed ancient. In fact, we suspect that the reason he keeps reappearing
here every 18 hours is that he's gotten so old he's simply forgotten how to stay
dead properly (age will do that to you, as well as complaining about young scorpiods
of today and how the desert was much hotter in the old days), much to the enjoyment
of the people that are after what he carries.
Torrith is a level 150ish scorpiod but since he's
attained much greater strength than your average
mob, he is indeed a lot dealier than that. He
will attempt to poison you on every hit, and has
quite the sting to his..well..sting. He's possible
to solo though if you have the heals or evades
for it, and can be taken down very easily if you
have a team, just watch out for that sting of
Interpreting Nball - Melee fighting
This nano-ball works as a support
brain, specialised in interpreting
movement signals.
It will try to improve the connection
between intention and action. To place
it, simply press it firmly against
your bare, right shoulder. It will
painlessly merge in under your skin.
The Nball is only wieldable if you are an enforcer,
and it adds around 20 points to your Piercing,
1handed Blunt and 1handed Edged skills. It also
gives a small bonus of around 10 to your Melee
Energy skill. The Nball is not a 100% drop however
and it might take a few times before you manage
to get hold of one.
Last updated 26. February 2004