This odd gentleman is clearly out of his mind - or
did someone turn him that way? Who knows. Elian makes a brief appearance on Rubi-Ka
every 18 hours at which point his demise is met over and over, according to his
whacked story too. |

Actually striking up a conversation with Elian when he's calm and approachable
- and not outright kill anyone on sight wearing pajamas panties out in the wild,
can yield quite the interestings story - with a twist, too. It seems Elian is
quite aware of his demise, and he knows he's getting killed over and over again.
Something he's not too pleased about we might add. The conversation with Elian
has a lot to say about both immortality and the hidden and metaphysical aspects
of life on Rubi-Ka. Certain phrases will stick in your mind like the "Freaks
and Mirrors" phrase he uses. If you ever DO get a chance to actually talk
to him, you should - he's definitely one of the most interesting NPC's out there.
Being a spiritual man, the afterlife and the unnatural "coming back"
disturbs Elian greatly, and he will profess to believing there are greater, and
darker powers at work in the universe - like the Omega myth and ties with the
Omni-Tek corporation.
Of all the unique mobs, Elian is certainly the one with the most backstory to
tell - should you be fortunate enough to have a chance to speak to him before
the roving hoards trample him back into oblivion. I can understand why, too -
Elian delves in metaphysics, or did once upon a time. One of his personal belongs
is the famous Blackshirt of Zuwadza, a body armor bestowing great power to any
Blackshirt of Zuwadza
Looking like a regular blackshirt, this garment has a multitude of gizmos fastened
to the reverse. No less than 4 unilateral disc computers and 7 strings of entwined
two-tone nano lilters, plus NippleComm and also a quantic tripod mounted in the
lumbar regions. |
The Blackshirt is a highly coveted Meta-Physicist only bodyarmor.
Not for it's looks, or even the NippleComm technology, wich would otherwise make
any baldy drool - but rather the heavy boost to two of the most prized nanoskills,
namely Matter Creation and Time & Space,
used for summoning forth demons and other pesky things. Requirements are 474 Computer
Literacy for a big +22 boost to both these nanoskills. This armor is suprisingly
enough not NODROP, so do your neighbourhood Meta a favour and get him/her equipped
in this.
Stinging Snake Tattoo
It takes much pain to realise what true happiness is. |
Rumored to also be in the possession of Elian on a few occasions is this Tattoo
- specially made for the nanomage breed, with 331 Matter Creation as a requirement
to wear (and breed: Nanomage). This tattoo can be worn on either the right or
left arm, or both, and adds a whopping 176 to MaxHealth. That's 352 extra health
for two, not bad for an otherwise poor nanomage.
Flamethrower of Zuwadza
There are several wires taped to the outside of the pipe and there are some kinds
of plasteel bags at each side of the compress compartment. The trigger mechanism
is bio-tech based and the stock has a number of mysterious knobs or buttons. |
For the most part though, Elian will throw you a mockery with his dying breath
and the only thing you'll get is this cheap flamethrower. As far as weapons go,
it's okayish damage-wise I guess, but with low crits and using 66/33% Assault
Rifle and Heavy Weapons, and no specials to boot, any
offensive profession would have way better options than this.
Elian is located just outside Rome, at 400 x 1300 in Rome Stretch.
Last updated 22. April 2003
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