They can be found almost everywhere - the inhabitants
of this conflict-wrought world - and most of them have a little story to tell.
Little stories about their perspective on life here and their role in it, or just
advice and experiences handed down to the flow of newcomers. |
1850 x 2550, Southern Artery Valley
Just a little to the right of Moog, stands this burly atrox, and mushroom expert
extraordinaire. From a distance, it might seem like they are both best friends,
but looks can be deceiving, as you find out when you talk to them both.
In the end though, we had heard of Richelieu and him being a self-proclaimed Master
of the Universe kind of skyrocketed our curiosity, so we simply had to find out
what kind of person he was, and what he was doing, and most of all - why on earth
he decided to do what he's doing in the middle of the ungodly swamplands...
Hello. Is that a frog over there? I think it was a frog. Or maybe it was a rock.
Come to think of it, I think frogs usually jump. I think it's a rock. My name
is Richelieu. I play the banjo. But only because I eat mushrooms. Can't play the
banjo without eating mushrooms.
Banjo? Er.. Maybe we should leave..
The banjo is the best instrument in the world! You can just hold it with your
left hand and beat it with your right hand, and music comes out! It's great!
Well, he's an amusing fellow to say the least, and really appears to be into his
banjo and mushrooms, so we asked about what was so great about this place, why
he was here and what he does, and last but not least, his relation to mushrooms...
Do? I don't do much. I collect mushrooms. I make a great mushroom-soup. Do
you want the recipe? You want my recipe for mushroom-soup? OK. It's simple.Just
take 5 delicious, beautiful, lovely mushrooms. Then get 3 Leet legs. About this
size!Or maybe a bit smaller. Just get some legs, OK? Then you have to get a couple
of handfuls of leaves from that Frazetta bush. Then you boil it! Oh, I almost
forgot! You have to put all the stuff in a pot and add water till you've covered
all the ingredients!
Mushrooms? Oh Yes! I love mushrooms! I make my own mushroom-soup, you know. You
can have the recipe if you want! The best mushrooms in the world are here in this
valley. And I've been all over the world eating mushrooms! That's why I live here.
Because of the mushrooms. Now, if only MoOg would go away, I'd be perfectly happy!
It seems Richelieu likes Moog about as much as Moog likes Richelieu. In other
words - not a single bit!
MoOg is the local whack-job. He's just plain crazy. Like he's had his head bumped
into a tree too many times. Like his mother gave him too much milk. Or not enough
We left Richelieu and Moog there squabbling about Richelieu playing the banjo
at night when Moog was trying to sleep, and Moog hammering on the bridge at day,
keeping the Swamp Wardens at bay when Richelieu was trying to sleep.. Rather the
odd pair, but in the end, we think they deserve each other.
Conversating with Richelieu, these are they keywords he will respond to.
Mushrooms, Recipe, Moog, Banjo |