They can be found almost everywhere - the inhabitants
of this conflict-wrought world - and most of them have a little story to tell.
Little stories about their perspective on life here and their role in it, or just
advice and experiences handed down to the flow of newcomers. |
650 x 1450, Aegean
At the somewhat hidden, but not particularly secret outpost of Rising Sun, Red
stands outside his tent gazing into the sky and pondering on how he can save the
Red has been wishing to save the planet about as long as anyone can remember,
so we set out to ask him about how things were progressing, and perhaps get a
small insight into his life as an Eco-Warrior.
Unfortunately it seemed we came at a bad time, since Red was busy watering his
plants, but nonetheless, he took the time to see us.
Hello. You can call me Red. I'm the leader of the Eco Warriors.And if you've got
anything to do with Omni-Tek, you'd better get out of my sight right now!
Red was beginning to eye us a bit suspiciously, so quickly masquerading ourselves
as rogue clowns we continued the chat. Asking him about what he does provided
us with a rather nice bit of information about a band called the Eco Warriors.
It may sound like a bit of a cliche, but I'm trying to make the world a better
place to live. Like my father before me, and his father before him, I'm the leader
of the Eco Warriors. The Eco Warriors have a proud history. For centuries we have
been the conscience of this planet! Whenever Omni-Tek, the evil of this planet,
has committed some awful crime against any part of Rubi-Ka, we have been there
to fight them, to keep them from doing harm when we can... and to clean up the
mess when we can't.
Apparen'tly Red doesn't think too highly of Omni-Tek and we're sure he has his
reasons, which we of course had to inquire further on. The way he talked of Omni-Tek
suggested that he is indeed a man wanted by Omni-Pol...
I've had a lot of trouble with Omni-Tek over the years. You should think that
they would welcome someone who just wants to care for the planet they claim to
rule. But they don't. There used to be an entire team of Omni-Tek agents after
me. But they grew tired of hunting for me, I guess. Now there's only one left,
as far as I know...
Red started eyeing us more closely now and we knew it would only be a matter of
time before he saw through our clown-disguises, so we legged it across Aegean
faster than a leet on swimming stims.
These are they keywords Red will respond to.
Omni-Tek, Eco Warriors |