They can be found almost everywhere - the inhabitants
of this conflict-wrought world - and most of them have a little story to tell.
Little stories about their perspective on life here and their role in it, or just
advice and experiences handed down to the flow of newcomers. |
Iziris Agathon
Northeastern Omni-Trade
This woman walks around in the northern part of Omni-Trade gathering all kinds
of information. As an Omni-Tek bureaucrat, she sits in the middle of a tangled
web of information, rumors and gossip, and boy does she love it.
Iziris can seem a bit flaky at first, but underneath the flaky surface some rather
juicy tidbits of information can be gotten, if you just know what to ask from
We set out a bit to learn more about her, and maybe get her to tell us the latest
news. Off the record. Naturally.
Hi. I am Iziris Agathon. I work within Omni-Admin.Usually not as much paperwork
as you would think. Although it can get terribly tedious at times. I guess when
you're born and raised to be a bureaucrat, it's something one has to live with.
I do hear that those who are out in the field are seeing some action though. Kinda
wish I could do that sometimes, although my position within Omni-Admin prevents
me from travelling.
Iziris eyes really lit up as we went on to ask her about her travelling habits
and where she wanted to go, it seems like its a big passion for her, and who can
blame her for wanting to get out of the office now and then?
I always wanted to be an explorer. Just like those brave adventurers you read
about in old stories. I wanted to roam around Rubi-Ka, exploring new things and
meet interesting people. But my paren'ts insisted that I should be a bureaucrat
for Omni-Tek. It's a good job. Keeps me safe. I really don't have that much of
an interest in dying. Never done that. Seems kinda painful to me. I do have insurance
though. Can't be too careful. Some accidents still happen at home.
At this point we were beginning to get intrigued about her, and her views on the
corporation. Looks like she really needs to get out there and feel the desert
under her feet and not stay indoors all day in meetings, so we asked what she
thought about the political situation on Rubi-Ka..
I've worked for Omni-Tek as long as I can remember. The funny thing is that I'm
not even sure if I like Omni-Tek. Not that I'm a rebel sympathizer, of course!
Omni-Tek has treated me very well. I have no complaints. Although some of the
things I hear about the company kinda makes me think. I do hear quite a lot of
rumors at the OmAd.Just a little abbreviation I invented for Omni-Admin. I might
be a neutral in disguse, although I feel well protected and safe here. My father
said I should work for Omni-Tek. And I could never say no to my father... He's
a good man. Taught me to make up my own mind about things.
Clans...They're horribly misguided, but I don't see them as particularly
bad people. I guess my paren'ts could easily have gone to the clans when I was
young as well, so I feel I can't judge them too harsly. A lot of people prefer
to see them as the enemy and the incarnation of evil, as malicious terrorists
and such, but I think they just have the wrong leaders.
As for neutrals - my paren'ts were neutral when I was born, so I don't really think
of them as traitors or anything. The neutrals are just undecided about where they
see themselves in the future, and you have to respect that as much as any other
standpoint. I'm not sure if I would have joined if I had had a choise though,
but I could never be anything alse now. Too many attachments here. Plus, I'm comfortable
with the situation.
Some really interesting views on the background of her as there, as well as some
information about her father - she also had something to say for all you thinking
about joining up in the offices and strapping on a suit as a bureaucrat...
It's a good job. Unfortunately, my work is not in the field, but I head that the
ones who do field work are fairly well off after a while. It's high-risk, but
I guess the material pay-off is good. Sometimes I'm tempted to use the mission
terminal for an after-work assignment. I guess I like the thought of excitement,
but not the excitement itself. Sure, there's some paperwork, but mostly
a lot of the things take care of themselves. We're very good at delegating the
work to other departments as well. Not that we're lazy or anything, but we know
everything about responsibility. We're usually the ones held responsible for anything
that's not working properly. I do get to hear a lot of juicy rumors at the offices.
Almost all information goes through us, so we're up to date on the latest. Even
when it's off the record.
Ooooooh, a chance to hear some gossip from inside the corporation! We lept at
the chance and asked her if she couldnt tell us a little.. off the record, naturally.
Oh, there are lots of rumors about in the halls of OmAd. Most of the rumors are
older ones, but we have some really bizarre and some which are about events which
some people believe are about to happen. I put very litte faith in any of these
rumors, and shouldn't really be spreading them around.
Ok, so what kind of rumor do you want to hear?The old rumors, the bizarre rumors
or the new rumors? Mind you, I can't verify any of these rumors.
We wanted the juicy, bizarre rumors naturally, but started out with the old ones,
hoping she would be even more talkative about the bizarre ones if we warmed her
up a bit - she does have a tendency to go on. And on. And on. But still - its
information that most people don't hear of - so it might be interesting...
I hear that a deranged science officer is hanging around in Galway Shire, spreading
false rumors about resurrection technology. Apparen'tly he was working on something
that was shut down and is going on about OT facilities and stuff.
I heard from a guy who knows an officer at Omni-AF that they were working on a
way to permanently remove the madman.
Some guy called Alvin is working at one of the OT outpost in Lush Fields, and
is sending request for assistance to Omni-Admin.
When asked what the latest gossip was, a flood of tales hit our ears, and our
logging computer actually exploded once, but we fixed it up really fast, and managed
to save all the tapes.
I heard Ross is really fed up with Radiman and those clowns on the Council,
and that he's eager to see an end to that organisation. You know, from listening
to people working way up in the Corporation, I don't think they'll let the Council
of Truth run their little sideshow for much longer. Hasta la vista, baby; they're
on the way out. Apparen'tly.
Apparen'tly -- and I don't know if this is true, but it probably is, because it
sounds true -- the Unicorn Company mothership is about to leave Omni-Prime for
Rubi-Ka! Some rich guy calling himself Lord Galahad has created some kind
of medieval kingdom up North. apparen'tly, he has created new some new species
just to populate one of his extravagant dungeons. I just hope he's smart enough
to contain them. We really don't need any more failed experiments roaming the
countryside. I hear there's some sort of ritual connected to it as well. If you
ask me, they're probably a dangerous bunch.
There are some rumours in Omni-1 that the Dust Brigade will strike again big time
in a few weeks' time. I hope Omni-Pol can bust those guys before then. I
heard this from a guy I know who has a brother in Omni-AF, so I don't know if
it's true, but get this; apparen'tly, Colonel Kaehler isn't really working for
OT-RK anymore. He's still Omni, but is working for some off-world department.
And now, after hearing about the old stories and some of the new ones, we wanted
to push our luck, so we asked about the bizarre rumors. Its really amazing to
hear what the clerks in the corporation manages to pick up. Iziris didnt seem
to mind at all though, in fact - she was very happy indeed for this chance to
spread some juicy gossip around.
Apparen'tly, if you find this secret link on the Grid, someone's posted a picture
of Radiman meeting with Dust-to-Dust commandos before the blast in Omni-1. Also,
there are supposed to be naked pictures of Philip Ross. But I've never seen any
of them.
Seems that a lot of men and women from different sides in the conflict got romantically
involved during the amnesty, and are now fighting to find areas where they can
meet in secret. Most Omni regard this as borderline treason.
After getting our ears talked off by Iziris, we changed the topic around yet another
time, as we wanted to know if she knew another bureacrat-employee of Omni-Tek
- in fact, one stationed in the same working environment as Iziris herself (If
Omni Trade can indeed be called that) namely Horatio Campbell.
Have you spoken to him? I would advise you to keep away from that man. He's a
bit strange to say the least. I never deal with him in the office, but apparen'tly
he's very hot tempered and bitter about something. Some of the people who have
worked with him for a long time say that he used to be quite a likeable fellow.
His wife and kids left him about ten years ago or so. Went off-world apparen'tly.
I also heard a rumor that Omni-Pol had him under investigation for the murder
of his mistress. I can't tell you if it's all true, but something changed that
Rumors or not, we will have to find that out from the source itself I think. Finally,
we asked if she had any menial tasks she wanted us to perform for her, but didnt
exactly strike gold as she directed us kindly to the nearest terminal instead.
Mission? Omni-Admin doesn't need to go out and personally hire people. That's
we have the mission terminals. We'll tailor a mission for you if you go there
and ask for one. Granted, it's not the most precise machine in the world, but
it gets you a suitable job most of the time.
That said, we decided to thank Iziris for her time and headed home with a full
log-file and a bad need to get our ears cleaned out as some of the ramblings still
resonanced around in there. Very nice girl, but a bit too talkative for your own
good at times.
These are the keywords Iziris will respond to.
Omni-Tek, Clans, Neutrals, Horatio Campbell, Travelling, Father, Rumors, Bizarre
Rumors, Old Rumors, New Rumors, Mission, Bureaucrat, Paperwork |