They can be found almost everywhere - the inhabitants
of this conflict-wrought world - and most of them have a little story to tell.
Little stories about their perspective on life here and their role in it, or just
advice and experiences handed down to the flow of newcomers. |
Horatio Campbell
300 x 200, Omni Trade
Outside the southern superior store in Omni-Trade stands Horatio Campbell, tapping
his foot impatiently.
This opifex bureaucrat has a grim look on his face, and many mysterious rumors
circulate the offices about his wife and kids dissappearing and his mistress getting
murdered. A victim of a conspiracy, or a ruthless murderer? Perhaps neither of
the two, just a regular bureaucrat being the target of some vicious gossip.
Whatever the case may be, Horatio Campbell isn't too happy about it, no siree.
Hello. I'm Campbell, Horatio. What's it to you? I work for Omni-Tek as a Bureaucrat.
For now. Bureaucrat is my chosen profession. Not my most clever move ever, I'll
admit, but I'll get by. It's not like I could be good at anything else.
Not the most cheerful chap there is, indeed. As Iziris Agathon said he wouldn't
be however, so we pushed on and asked what he could tell us about himself and
what he does. We were very interested in getting to know his stance towards the
clans and Omni-Tek, as he doesn't seem to like the corporation too much, even
if he works for it.
I can give you some nice and juicy information from the halls of Omni-HQ. You
need that? Oh, right. You want me to tell you how much I love this corporation
and how I love being part of a system designed to promote the worst behaviour
of mankind as well as encourage sheep mentality? Not likely. I'm here 'cause its
cushy. I'm relatively safe. I have a decent home, enough food and more entertainment
than I know what to do with. All the rest is politics and I don't much care about
Oh gee, the people who don't like Omni-Tek have banded together and are demanding
to become independent. I have no problem with that, as long as it doesn't interfere
with my life. Unfortunately, they have to assume that every Omni employee is their
enemy, which is too bad, and it really doesn't make my day all that good. I say
give them a terraformer and send them off to the other side of the planet. Have
them set up their "utopian" society there. This constant bickering over
territory and money is getting old, and it really interrupts the flow of my day
when they decide to blow up buildings here and there.
When asked if he had any mission, or knew where we might get one, he pointed us
towards Lush Fields and the outpost there to a certain Alvin Odeleder.
Like I'm going to pay you for anything. You're probably incompetend anyways.
But if you really want something to do, go see Alvin Odeleder over in Lush Fields.
He's in one of the outposts just to the west of Harry's. I haven't looked at his
file, so there's not much to tell really. He's out there, doing the dirty work.
Poor sucker.
We couldn't contain ourselves any longer, so we asked him about his life and where
his wife and kids were. Since Iziris Agathon had told us this, we thought it would
be better to hear it from the source, as it were. To get a second opinion. Far
be it from us to stick our nose into someone else's business. Ok. We did, we admit
it, but we had to ask - curiosity was driving us mad..
You're really sticking your nose where it doesn't belong now, you know.: Fine!
She left me. Took the kids and went off-world. Apparen'tly she didn't even want
to be on the same planet as me. Fine by me. They're gone. I'll probably never
see them again. Where do you get your information? I'm not prying into your personal
life, am I? The nerve of you people!
Oooh, getting a bit agitated, aren't we, Mr. Campbell? Well, while we're on the
topic, we heard about your mistress as well...
What? You're not some jerk from Omni-Pol come here to hassle me again, are you.
I didn't kill that woman, and I certainly didn't have an affair with her. I mean
did you look at the mugshot of that woman?Anyways, it was never proven, and so
I am innocent. Go hassle someone else about their past, will you? I've had just
about enough of you.
It seems Omni-Pol isn't one of Horatio's favourite department - he didn't speak
of them in very kind words at all when we asked his opinion about them.
They can kiss my ass. They're a dirty department fighting dirty against people
who are already down and out. I have nothing more to say about those people.
I don't think we should have told him what we did next, since he got a mad gleam
in his eye when he realized where we had gotten the information about his family
affairs.. We asked him about Iziris Agathon and what he thought of her.
That woman is so full of it! She trades in gossip, and it's not even very good
gossip. I wouldn't trust anything that woman told me.
After that the conversation went downhill as Horatio pulled his gun out and started
shooting wildly at us while screaming curse-words at us while we legged it across
Conversating with Horatio, these are they keywords he will respond to.
Omni-Tek, Clans, Bureaucrat, Wife, Kids, Mistress, Iziris Agathon, Alvin,
Omni-Pol |