The Forestwatch Trees
1650 x 1650, Southern Fouls Hills
In the middle of the forest one can find several trees with wooden platforms
built near the top. Used by the forestwatchers to keep a sharp eye on the numerous
beasts in the forest, these have long since been abandoned - most likely at the
same time as a nearby outpost that now lies in ruins was.
Whoever the brave souls of this place were, we hope they are alright wherever
they may be and that they have a six-pack of Plumbos with them.
The Forestwatch Trees are easily missed, if you are just flying over the landscape
- and believe us, if you are below level 80, flying across the landscape is a
smart idea. Rather than landing and having to deal with a number of nasty creatures
- in our case an Entvined Colonel wanted our spines to grind into a fine white
powder used in his fertility potions.
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