Geography: Landmarks - Exotic & Interesting places
  Rubi-Ka is more than just whacking the occasional leet and doing endless tasks in some dreaded underground complex all day. Join us as we point you in the direction of things and features you would damn yourself in the afterlife for not taking the time to see.      
The Forestwatch Trees
1650 x 1650, Southern Fouls Hills

In the middle of the forest one can find several trees with wooden platforms built near the top. Used by the forestwatchers to keep a sharp eye on the numerous beasts in the forest, these have long since been abandoned - most likely at the same time as a nearby outpost that now lies in ruins was.

Whoever the brave souls of this place were, we hope they are alright wherever they may be and that they have a six-pack of Plumbos with them.

The Forestwatch Trees are easily missed, if you are just flying over the landscape - and believe us, if you are below level 80, flying across the landscape is a smart idea. Rather than landing and having to deal with a number of nasty creatures - in our case an Entvined Colonel wanted our spines to grind into a fine white powder used in his fertility potions.

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