Geography: Landmarks - Exotic & Interesting places
  Rubi-Ka is more than just whacking the occasional leet and doing endless tasks in some dreaded underground complex all day. Join us as we point you in the direction of things and features you would damn yourself in the afterlife for not taking the time to see.      
The Satellite Dish
350 x 350, Borealis

This sight can be found on the top of a small mountain outside Borealis. A huge satellite platform, staring at the starlit skies. The satellite dish has two pathways that run up to the middle, surrounding the beacon of it. Ever wondered how you get those off-world hologram-TV transmissions to your home? This is how.

The area surrounding Borealis is safe for anyone but the lowest in level, so getting here should be no problem. Just follow the fenced area starting at the south-western ruins, where the Fixer Shop can be found, and you will locate this landmark. Easy to miss unless you know that you are looking for it, but very visible from the skies as you zoom past it in your Yalmaha. So what are you waiting for - grab an engineer, a fixer and some hacker tools and you will have free cable for life!

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