Notum Cannons
1200 x 3400, Clondyke
These cannons fire at regular intervals - ever wondered why the ground shakes
so much? These giant masterworks of technology might very well be the cause of
it all.
These huge cannons, three of them, positioned in Clondyke shoot the day's load
of Notum up to the waiting cargo-ships in orbit.
It is also the most popular terrorist target in the whole of Rubi-Ka as several
attempts at destroying them have been made. Judging from their looks none have
been particularly successful, but that's a whole another story.
We tried to climb inside the control room of one to practice our heavy weapons
skill on some nearby Lambast Mamba, but we were quickly directed to the exit by
some very annoyed engineers, who went on an on about the cannons "not being
toys and us not having security clearance". We were quite disappointed by
this, Mamba-shooting being a popular passtime where we come from.
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