Geography: Landmarks - Exotic & Interesting places
  Rubi-Ka is more than just whacking the occasional leet and doing endless tasks in some dreaded underground complex all day. Join us as we point you in the direction of things and features you would damn yourself in the afterlife for not taking the time to see.      

The Face of Tragedy
1300 x 2650, Mort

In the inhospitable desert that is Mort, a number of creatures with large appetites and poor table-manners make their home. As such a wanderer, preoccupied with raising his run speed, might be surprised to stumble over the edge of a crater and find a peaceful oasis.

A possible reason for the predators' hesitation in approaching the crater comes apparen't when one zooms up in the air and looks down upon an obvious likeness of a human face. As faces go, it's not one you'd want on your neighbour, the local bronto burger sales-clerk or that crazy guy down in Artery Valley.

As with the figure in Aegean, we have no information as to who might have built the face. Only one thing seems certain; the whole concept is really a bit frightening - we don't know who made it or why it's there. All we have is a large sad face looking up at us in horror and it's quite disturbing. Quite fitting for a place called Mort..

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