Milky Way Spaceship Crash Site
3300 x 700, Milky Way
Whatever cause the crash of this Spaceship we will never find out, or what
it contained.
Tthere are some angry mobs in this area, so something this ship carried must
have drawn them here. Or maybe they were the cargo? We'll never know for sure
I guess, still - its a stunning sight, and Engineers will cry over the lost hardware
The crash-site itself can best be described as "Scattered" as there
are pieces of the ship pretty much everywhere you look.
The bulk of the ship is still intact, and sometimes, if you are unlucky enough,
you might have to traverse this place into the ship for a mission or two.
Why "unlucky enough" ? Well. Apart from the fact that the radiation
in this place could wreak havoc on your genetical structure, there are also about
twohundred angried Beetle's and Nanofreaks scavenging the place, not to mention
the Eremites or the lone slithering snake. Many have found out that the hard way
that the rustling sound they just heard was not something that was "just
in their head". This is a very nasty place indeed.
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