Wading through blood, guts and muck on endless missions
all day and just want to kick back with a dozen XXX-Plumbo Beers for some serious
R&R? This should get you going - our guide to clubbing in Rubi-Ka - downloadable
from every Infostation. |
Neuters R' Us
445 x 340, Newland City
A crude little bar for the undecided among us, Neuters R' Us in Newland can be
found in the heart of the City, close to a large outside dining park, and home
of our good friend the Good
Times Party Mixer.

It's a very small club, consisting mainly of a dancefloor and a couple seating
areas. Everything is drenched in a drab blue light, and the music played here
is pretty intensive, techno-inspired.
I don't imagine this place pulls in the largest crowds and perhaps just as well;
a lone atrox with an ego-problem would make it feel cramped. Still, it is a meeting
place on neutral ground where the fighting is laid to rest and the sides may talk
things over. Or drink themselves into stupor. I'll have a beer, thanks.