Wading through blood, guts and muck on endless missions
all day and just want to kick back with a dozen XXX-Plumbo Beers for some serious
R&R? This should get you going - our guide to clubbing in Rubi-Ka - downloadable
from every Infostation. |
The Happy Rebel
550 x 550, Tir City (Straight North of the grid exit)
The happy rebel looks like a small cosy place, not very inviting to the corporate
element though, but still a rather large club with a nice enviroment.

The interiors are quite rustic in appearance, following the common style of the
clan-controlled areas. Commodations for small closed parties in separate rooms,
or in the main rooms with seating and tables for larger groups. It almost seem
like a club slash conference establishment.
A couple tended bars and a few simple toilets near the entrance, I'm sure the
Happy Rebel can cater to almost any group or affiliation. Of all the clubs on
Rubi-Ka, it's also the most convenient as the owners managed to get a lot just
a stonethrow from the Grid Exit in Tir City.