Geography: Bar & Club guide - Enjoy it While it Lasts
  Wading through blood, guts and muck on endless missions all day and just want to kick back with a dozen XXX-Plumbo Beers for some serious R&R? This should get you going - our guide to clubbing in Rubi-Ka - downloadable from every Infostation.      
  Enjoy it While it Lasts
650 x 400, Tir City

A nightclub with an easy and laidback look on life, hence the name.

As far as nightclubs go however, it seem to be suffering greatly from a lack of visitors and consequently funding to keep it going. There few chairs or even tables here, and the whole premise looks rather unfinished.

In whole everything about this place just seem out of order, with quite the twists and turns and remarkably odd architecture. One only thing of notice that could really bring in the crowds is the lightly clad females fighting it out in a pool of water - sadly there is no interaction of any kind, and the nightclub only sports their own fighters. I'm thinking with some proper advertising, a complement of new furniture, and maybe some interaction with the entertainment, this place could really be kicking on any given night.