Wading through blood, guts and muck on endless missions
all day and just want to kick back with a dozen XXX-Plumbo Beers for some serious
R&R? This should get you going - our guide to clubbing in Rubi-Ka - downloadable
from every Infostation. |
Dancing Atrox Bar
300 x 1850, Omni-1 Screening Area
The Dancing Atrox Bar is a small secluded bar on the outskirts of Omni-1. Located
among the rough settlements along the outer wall in the Omni-1 Screening Area,
and obviously catering to the more burly among us.

Not the biggest of places mind you, and I can't even imagine how packed the place
is on a night of hot sweaty atrox action. However, it stands out and looks inviting
doesn't it? Step inside and you'll find yourself almost on the dancefloor of this
little bar.
Complete with a maintained bar, seating for some 6-8 people tops, and a dance
floor that should atleast have room for ten to twelve atroxes without any brawls
breaking out. And oh, a rather impressive laser show that should poke your eye
out in no time.
And last but not least, the local curiousity and resident dancer, Mr Mack Dartt
- the groove king!. He never stops putting on the beat and the moves! If you do
happen to drop by, be sure not to miss him. |