Beer & Booze Bar
2840 x 1920, Mort
Deep inside the desert wastelands of Mort is the settlement known as Hope. A safe
haven for the weary traveller. Or so it would seem, until you enter the local
This is a very nice bar. Or was, until people started throwing the furniture around
and ducking behind the bar for cover. If mayhem, carnage and ruckus is your way
of relaxing, or if you're simply looking for an excuse to fight - The "Beer
& Booze Bar" is definitely a place you will want to visit. It is damp,
dusky and cramped. A true shabby bar with the obligatory addition of a dirty back-room
that can provide for a nice, albeit short, fight. Because this is a PvP-bar, fights
will break out in here if two opposing sides meet up in here.
If you happen to be a neutral, and unarmed, this place can be a great way for
some live action though, as recent events has shown. The first time the we went
there, the whole bar was littered with Omni-Tek personel, armed to the teeth and
waiting on the door to close behind whoever zoned in. After some time, the bardoor
closes behind an unarmed, neutral soldier, who promptly raises his hands up.
As loyal employees, they let him be, even though I am sure some trigger fingers
were twitching. The door opened again, and in walks a Clan Agent. Its quite amazing
how fast people can run when they really want to.

Want to pick a fight? Then, this is certainly the bar for you. It certainly cant
get more wrecked than it already is, and if things get too hot and heavy, you
can always rely on the good barkeep Mack to end the fight the only way he knows
- by pulling out his automatic carbine from in-under the desk and start shooting
at the guests.
As far as the choice on the wine-list goes, its rather limited. There is Beer.
And Booze. Anything else, Mack will have to go into the back-room for. You don't
want Mack to go into the back-room. Trust us.