So! You built your first base - congratulations -
now comes the next task you must set your guild to, namely picking what organizational
advantages you might want. It might be a hassle, in particular if your guildleader
happens to think that everyone needs Quantum Engineering... |
In order to obtain the Organization advantages you need to know where to find
your Notum Wars store, or the "Tower Store". For Omni-Tek employees
you can find this in Rome Blue near the east central side of the map. For clans,
the store is located near the whompa in the city of Old Athens - and of course,
the neutrals have their own store as well, located in Borealis at the east side
of town. You cant miss the stores - the huge sign saying "Towers" is
a dead give-away on the location of it. If you are uncertain on how to locate
it, ask some friendly citizen directions and we are sure they will be glad to
direct you to your nearest store.
You might want to look at the Basic
Towers Guide in order to balance up your guilds base with the organization
advantages since you will not only get advantages through your organization but
from your personal towers as well.
The basic concept behind the organizational advantages might seem a bit daunting
at first, but its not really that bad when you get down to the cold hard facts.
Also beer helps. A lot. With that in mind, we are going to look at the organizational
advantages a bit and explain how the rules behind them are and how they function.
First to explain how Guild-advantages work. All
guild-advantages gives bonuses to two separate skills or abilities. For instance,
the advantage "Medical Expertise" gives a bonus to both First
Aid and Treatment, whereas the advantage "Logic" gives
a bonus to Intelligence and Nano Init. The organization advantages
will be given to all the members in the guild as opposed to the tower-buffs which
are personal ones. To add an advantage to your organization (or indeed, remove
one) simply use the command:
/org contract |
Next, you will need to know how many controllers your guild has, and what quality
level they are. The best way to check this if you don't know it, is to simply grid
to the landcontrol area that you own and shift-click the controller to bring up
its information. You will easily enough spot its quality level there. For every
controller that you own, you have its QL times two in Organization Advantages
QL Pool so to speak.
Lets take an example. Say you own a QL150 controller. You will then have 150*2
(300) QL of advantages to buy for your organization. If you also would own a QL50
controller, you will have a grand total of 50*2+150*2 (400) QL in your pool. It
is also vital to understand that a controller can at most handle three
advantages at one time, so no, you are not allowed to set up a QL200 base and
get 40 different QL10 advantages.
Now that we have our pool all sorted out, we must look at the individual controllers
to see what kind of advantages they can handle. Let us take a look at our would-be
QL150 controller for instance. For this one we could get any of the following...
1. A single QL300 advantage
2. Two QL150 advantages
3. Three QL100 advantages
So you might do well in consider what the guild needs most. Most of the time the
answer is painfully obvious, since people will always be screaming for nanoskills,
but it doesnt need to be that way at all. If we also had that QL10 controller,
we could place out another set of advantages controlled by this one, however,
at this low of a level, placing three different kinds of advantages will pose
a problem, since they don't give too much of a buff really. For lower QL controllers
we recommend higher QL advantages, instead of spreading points across the board.
Universal Advantages
These are the advantages that makes your organization go all gooey for your supreme
leadership skills. Or, indeed, makes them pick up their hayforks and start a rebellion.
Well, hopefully not as bad as that but still - you need to respect your organization
while picking these. |
Now to the various advantages. There are literally tons of advantages out there,
and you might be wise to think about what kind of towers your guildmembers will
put up for their personal benefits before/during your choice in advantages, since
they might very well be the same ones. Here's an overview of what advantages give
Disarm Traps, Breaking
and entering |
Bow special attack |
Sharp Objects, Grenade |
tech, Chemistry |
Perception, Sense |
Coordination |
Multi-melee |
Energy Expertise |
Ranged energy weapons,
Melee energy |
Espionage |
Concealment |
Harmony |
Nanopool, Psychic |
Pump |
development, Stamina |
Heavy Aim |
Shotgun, Assault Rifle |
Arc |
Edged weapons, 2H Blunt weapons |
Heavy Balance |
Heavy Weapons, Full
Auto |
Intuition |
Duck Exp. |
Improved Movement |
Swimming, Runspeed |
Aim |
Light Arc |
1H Edged weapons, 1H
Blunt weapons |
Balance |
Fling shot |
Logic |
Nano Init, Intelligence |
Mechanics |
Engineering, Weaponsmithing |
Medical Expertise |
First Aid, Treatment |
Expertise |
Init, Evade Clsc |
Metaphysics |
Matter Creation, Time&Space |
Compactness |
Strength |
Muscular Elasticity |
Martial Arts, Agility |
Manipulation |
Nano Programming |
Personae |
Sense Imp, Psy Mod |
Expertise |
Init, Riposte |
Power |
Electrical Engineering,
Quantum Physics |
Expertise |
Ranged weapons
init, Dodge Rng |
Reaction |
Parry, Fast attack |
Aim |
Rifle, Aimed
shot |
Thrusting |
Piercing, Sneak attack |
Biomet, Mat Metam |
Transportation |
Vehicle Air, Vehicle Ground
Worth noting is that while you cannot have more than one advantage of the same
type, for instance two Universal Advantage - Transformation, individual players
may build towers that will buff the very same skills. For a QL200 tower buffing
MC/TS and a QL100 advantage buffing the same the result will become a grand total
of +42 which is very nice indeed.
Final word
In order not to bloat the guide too much, we decided to release the Basic Towers
guide at the same time as the organization advantages because we feel that in
order for guilds to balance out both their towers and their advantages before
taking a look at the specialist towers.
Last updated 22. December 2002