Firstly, lets sort out the specifics of a Dynacamp, or Dynamic Camp, since
they are often enough mistaken to be other occurences. A Dynacamp is an encampment
with a boss-creature of the same type, an alpha(fe)male if you wish. Many confuse
dynacamps with Unique bosses or regular camps. This isn't the case however - Dynacamp
bosses will not drop unique loot but rather the same type of loot you would expect
to find on bosses in team missions. Another obvious clue to the presence of a
dynacamp is the presence of various junk spread across the site. There might be
anything from skeletons to junk, to fans and pots spread across the ground. These
are more a sign of a dynacamp than anything you can interact with.
The bosses are easily recognizable, both from the bright aura
most of them have as well as their size since they are all rather large compared
to the minions.
The bosses are also named mobs, which is the reason why some have them confused
with unique mobs. While you might find a boss called Slipslidder the Venomous
one day, the next you might find a boss called Bloodfang the Slithering.
All the bosses are aggressive; even the ones that usually are docile, like Malles,
Leets and Enigmas. Some bosses, in particular Anuns, will attack you on sight
even if they are way below your level. Of course, that applies to a lot of Anuns,
not just Dynacamp bosses. So before you go about getting your share of phat lewt,
be sure you are well-equipped for the job or you might find yourself running with
an angry boss gnawing at your backside. |
Please also bear in mind that the dynacamp bosses vary in level - where you find
one boss at level 80, the next spawn might very well be level 88 or 74. After
death, respawn is random, it may vary from 10 minutes to 90 minutes depending
on how lucky or unlucky you are.
As mentioned before all the bosses save for a few have their special auras, just
like the bosses in team missions, which make them big and strong, or give a special
damage shield. For a more extensive look into the boss-auras, we recommend that
you look at Faunlore's guide about this. In addition to this, most of the dynacamp
bosses have special auras designed to protect them against pets. This aura gives
a percentage of your pets HP back in damage, which makes petclasses outdoors rather
Another element both dynacamp- and mission-bosses have in common is that they
will drop bossloot. This bossloot typically consists of two "new" nanos,
i.e. nanos that cannot be missioned for or found in shops - examples of these
are the Art of War soldier nanos and the new nano programming buff for nano-technicians.
Apart from the typically two nanos, the boss will drop one weapon and one to two
armorparts specific to bosses - for examples Sekutek armor, Dillon armor, X-3
rifles and Division-9 assault rifles. Furthermore, bosses have a slightly higher
chance of dropping some of the more rare loot like Nullity Sphere and Grid Armor
discs, however, these are still extremely rare, so don't expect them to turn up
all the time.
The Dynacamps are spread across a number of zones on Rubi-Ka, they can't be found
just everywhere. Unfortunately enough, the most interesting dynacamps are found
in rather unhospitable zones. This is where you can find them, complete with a
rather rough estimate of the level of bosses you can find there.
Location |
Approximate level |
Aegean |
30-80 |
Andromeda |
10-110 |
Belial Forest |
140-200 |
Central Artery Valley |
120-200 |
Newland Desert |
5-70 |
Omni Forest |
5-50 |
Perpetual Wastelands |
80-200 |
Varmint Woods |
50-140 |
Wailing Wastes |
40-90 |
For a more extensive list of the various bosses, we have compiled a list of coordinates
for you to look at. Mind you - it is far from a complete list, but these are the
coordinates that we have at the moment. Please don't send us any more coordinates
without making sure it really is a dynacamp. Download
the coordinates file here.
Final Word
If you are looking for experience as opposed to bossloot you might find yourself
a bit disappointed, since the experience from the camps and boss will not be as
regular as what you gain in missions. The respawn of the camps often leaves a
lot to be desired - there is a lot of downtime compared to missions. However,
the passtime is in our opinion welcome as opposed to missions. All that has to
be tweaked is the respawn and experience reward and people might actually get
their butts out of the seemingly endless missions the City of Home has to offer
and into the field once again.
Last updated 15. January 2003