For all the agents wanting to save the rain-forests,
this is your chance to contribute. Its also a chance to, if you are smart enough,
hide yourself away and make things a little bit more difficult in those pesky
PvP-situations where you really just want to be alone and kick back with a Plumbo.. |
A while ago, agents were given some really neat stuff, in
order to make them feel all warm and cozy inside. The holograms are one of those
Holograms lets agents put forth a tree, or a box, or other inanimate objects to
hide inside, preventing the ability to directly target them. The holograms has
a lifespan of ten minutes, which should be enough for any agent with some self-respect
to get off a clean shot on that rampaging atrox enforcer bearing down on you.
Of course, this isn't the only use for the holograms, they can be quite amusing
in party situations or in missions when you want to be alone, why not fire up
a good old Jokka Tree and pretend you are on a vacation in the Bahamas? |
There are a number of different holograms, six of them in fact, ranging from crates
to trees, as you can see here - its all about what you will want to disguise yourself
as really. Keep in mind to not use your crate in the middle of the wilderness
for example, that might look a little bit out of place, and be more of an eye-catcher
than anything else really.
Hologram PD: Mossy Rock
Hologram PD: Rock Block
Hologram PD: Wood Crate |
Hologram PD: Barrel
Hologram PD: Jokka Tree
Hologram PD: Metal Crate |
The Hologram Projector Datasets has to be obtained from missions - more
precisely from mission bosses, but they drop at any level really, so if you doubt
your capacities for soloing a level 200 atrox boss with a lust for blood, how
about going into Newland Desert or Omni-Forest and lay down the
law on some poor hapless leet boss in a dynacamp instead?
Next, you will need to go and buy yourself a Hologram Camera in order to
actually project these images. These can be bought from your local General
Tools and Bases booth and isn't very expensive.
Expendable Hologram Camera
This hologram camera can only store one capture, but it is cheap. After
being used,
the camera rebuilds into a casing for the Hologram Data Disc. |
Once you have gotten the Hologram Camera its an easy process to put them
both together, all you need is a steady hand and 150 Electrical Engineering
skills, in your example, its going to be a Metal Crate projected.
+ |
= |
Hologram Projector: Metal Crate
The hologram projector reads and creates a hologram of whatever data
it has in store. It uses 10 minutes to
recharge before it can make a new hologram. |
Remember - by using this item you will lock your Electrical Engineering
skills for ten minutes, under which you wont be able to fire up another one -
so if you were planning on planting a whole redwood forest in the middle of Old
Athens, you will be a bit disappointed.
Last updated 03.November 2002
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