Ever missed just those few points in your tradeskills?
That little extra that would help you get your QL200 item completed? Or maybe
you just want to look dashingly smart for your next date? Enter the world of Bow
Ties! |
The All-Match Augmented Bow Tie is one of very few neck-items out there. No,
it cant match the token boards as far as HP or Nanopool is considered, and no,
it doesnt really give a great boost to armor. But - its edible! And it does add
to your tradeskills, so if you really need that extra little bonus, this really
can be a very nice item. The trickiest part with the All-Match Augmented Bow Tie
is actually getting it. To obtain it, you will need to visit the static dungeon
in The Longest Road, known as "Foremans", or the TLR Lab.
We will present a guide to that dungeon in due time, for now - let it be known
that you will have to get to a boss in here called the "Lab Director".
Currently, he is on a three hour spawn period, so you might have to wait a bit.
Also, nowadays he is pretty camped, even though nowhere near as hard as some of
the other bosses out there.
The tricky part is actually getting the required item. The Lab Director does drop
a wide range of items, including three different "Sealed Orders"
and the Bow Tie just happens to be one of these orders. The order you are looking
for is the Sealed Order Form FPGA-202. If you do acquire some other orders,
keep them as well, they are used for making the Crat Suits you might have seen
in game - check out our guide on Crat
Suits here.
Sealed Order Form FPGA-202
This seems to be a standard material order of some sort. It is directed
to some
Dr. Yahn. The active seal prevents you from learning more. Forcing it open would
make the order self destruct... |
Once you have your Sealed Order Form FPGA-202, leave the building and travel
the long way home to a nearby shop and pick up some items.
Hacker Tool |
ID-Extractor |
Multi Form |
Hologram Camera |
You will need a Hacker Tool, a Hologram Camera, an ID-Extractor
as well as a Multi Form. The Hacker Tool you can get from either
the Tools or Devices booth, the ID-Extractor and Hologram
Camera from your General Tools and Bases store, and finally the Multi
Form from the Bookstore in any local shop.
Before we start working on the Sealed order, we need to create something
called an ID-Data, which is achieved by combining the Hologram Camera
with your ID-Extractor. This takes no tradeskills to do.
+ |
= |
This item contains your own, personal data. |
The second step is to hack the Sealed Order with your Hacker Tool.
This step takes some Breaking and Entering skills, and will make you a
Hacked Order FPGA-202.
+ |
= |
Hacked Order FPGA-202
This is a standard material order, directed to
Dr. Allen Yahn. |
By combining the ID-Data with your Hacked Order, it will give you
a Personal Order FPGA-202. This step takes 200 Psychology to achieve.
+ |
= |
Personal Order FPGA-202
This is a standard material order, directed to
Dr. Allen Yahn. It can produce some kind of garment
for you. |
Now we have the basis needed for the last step, namely combining the Multi
Form with the Personal Order FPGA-202, thus creating our new and wonderful
All-Match Augmented Bow Tie. This requires 300 Psychology skills.
+ |
= |
All-Match Augmented Bow Tie
This tie is self-cleaning, it automatically changes colours
to match the rest of your attire and in an emergency situation it can even be
eaten. |
This is it! Clothes as smart as this has their own Cambridge degree - blow your
opposition away at the next dance away clad in this new creation of yours, or
use it to achieve greatness via tradeskills - the Bow Tie has many uses indeed.
As you can clearly see from it's stats - anyone can wear it, not just Crats (unlike
the Crat
Suits), just take a look at the Bow Tie below.
Augmented Bow Tie QL80
Max health 100
Max nano 100
Chemistry 12
Electrical eng 12
Mechanical eng 12 |
Nano programming 12
Pharma tech 12
Quantum physics 12
Weapon smithing 12 |
Psychology 101
Level 80 |
Last updated 9.September 2002
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