Are you an engineer wanting more out of your bot?
Cant hold aggro? This is certainly something you will need then, to keep that
pesky mob that always kill your bot and then come after you at bay. |
Trimming bots is one of the most useful things you can do when you are an
engineer - there are various trimmers out there, ranging from defensive ones to
aggressive ones, ones that will divert energy from one system and reroute it to
another. This is not one of them. This trimmer has to be hand-crafted, and you
will not be sorry when you have it and have tried it out - a word of warning though
- you will not be able to craft a trimmer lower than QL30. Firstly, lets
scout the shop for the components we are going to need.
Chemical Impact Injector
Upon impact this item tries to inject a dose of lethal chemicals into
the target. Forces targets armor to use chemical ac. Tradeskill item. |
XU-11 Serum
XU-11 is widely used against vermin insects. 1-4 drops per bucket of
water is enough - 6-10 against mutated insects. NOTE: Avoid skin contact. |
Trimmer Casing
This trimmer casing contains attachments for all kinds of robot modifiers.
You will find the Chemical Impact Injector in the Melee Weapons Components
booth, the XU-11 Serum in the Pharmacy and Chemistry Components
booth and finally, the Trimmer Casing in the Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering Components booth.
The Trimmer Casing is the most expensive part in the whole process, as
a QL140 trimmer will set you back something around 200k. Also, the final QL of
the Trimmer depends on which Trimmer Casing you are getting, so make sure
you don't use one that is too low or too high.
By combining the XU-11 Serum and the Chemical Impact Injector you
will produce something called a Modified Chemical Impact Injector. This
step requires you to have Chemistry skills, and the higher your skill is,
the higher the Quality level of the finished item will be - much like when making
implants with high enough nanoprogramming, "boosting" the QL by quite
a lot.
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Modified Chemical Impact Injector
This Chemical Impact Injector is refilled - with XU-11, a strong vermint
insecticide. |
The next step is combining the Modified Chemical Impact Injector with the
Trimmer Casing, producing the end-result - a Trimmer - Increase Aggressiveness.
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Trimmer - Increase Aggressiveness
This Trimmer is used on robot pets to change their
settings, or 'trim' their performance. |
The use of this device requires Mechanical Engineering and Computer
literacy, but its all worth it - so all you engineers out there that cant
keep aggro on your bot - this one is for you.
Last updated 31.August 2002
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