The Undercover Armors of Shadowlands are rare indeed,
and hasn't been given much attention. However, the armors in themselves are far
from bad, especially at lower levels, and the bonuses they provide can give you
that little extra pick-me-up, so lets check them out! |

Before we start, let me make it clear that this
is not a quest, nor is it a tradeskill. It's an
attempt to shine some light on a few rare sets
of armor in Shadowlands, since much of the Shadowlands
features tend to get forgotten in the everlasting
quest for the next shadowlevel, or the next group
of hecklers to kill. Our goal is to shed some
light on these more obscure armor sets.
Shadowlands features a lot more than just hecklers,
spirits and lack of Yalmaha's. If you only look
closer into the fabric of the 'lands, you will
notice that quite a few interesting items might
pop up from time to time. We'll take you through
some of them here in this guide about the Undercover
Armors (the children of Xan must've been sneaky
buggers indeed to require this many undercover
When you go out and open up a can of whup-tushie on the nearest mobs, you might
find one of the Undercover Armor parts dropping. Boss-mobs have a higher rate
of dropping these, as you can imagine and its quite rare to find the parts you
want, so you might be in for some camping. If you like to strut around in fashionable
purple or minty green though, its definitely worth it.
There are seven Undercover armors available - Bootlegger, Exploiter, Killer, Outsider,
Saboteur, Smuggler and Zealot. Each of the seven sets fits two select professions.
They all look the same when you see them in the loot window, and all the pieces
are unique, which makes it a bit of a pain to store backup ones for your friends,
however, they're not nodrop, which is a relief.
The easiest places to hunt these are where numerous bosses are placed in the same
area. Examples of this would be in Nascence Swamp with the named Spinetooth bosses
and Malah-Ana's, or outside of Ergo's cave in Scheol where a number of Spiritbosses,
dredges, Minx's and Imps have taken refuge. There are other bosses spread across
the Shadowlands too naturally, so don't worry, you'll have ample time to hunt
them out.
Killer's Body Armor
This is a variation of a type of armor often worn by undercover groups. |
Killer's Armor Boots
This is a variation of a type of armor often worn by undercover groups. |
Killer's Armor Trousers
This is a variation of a type of armor often worn by undercover groups. |
Killer's Armor Gloves
This is a variation of a type of armor often worn by undercover groups. |
Killer's Armor Boots
This is a variation of a type of armor often worn by undercover groups. |
That's what a complete set of (in our case) Killer's Armor looks like. Don't let
the icons fool you, they don't look like that when worn at all, as you can see
from a short little modeling of two armorsets below.
As you can see, the basic design of the armors are the same - regardless of gender
and type of armor. We suspect this is because the heads of the different undercover
organizations hired the same clothes-designer by mistake, who figured he could
do seven times less work and still get paid. He's probably being hunted down as
you are reading this. Nevertheless - the armor is pretty spiffy, and its definitely
unique - people will raise one or two eyebrows when they see you run around in
one of these sets, that much we can promise you.
Lets take a look at the stats, shall we? All the stats below are from armorsets
interpolated at QL300 (since that is the max QL of the armors)...
Bootlegger (blue) |
Exploiter (black) |
Killer (purple) |
Outsider (green) |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 4425
Poison AC 3000
Projectile AC 4425
Radiation AC 3000
Doctor or Adventurer
Agility 900
Intelligence 900
Level 200
Max Nano 1500
1H Edged 50
Pistol 50 |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 3000
Poison AC 4425
Projectile AC 3000
Radiation AC 3000
Fixer or Bureaucrat
Agility 900
Intelligence 900
Level 200
Dodge Ranged 125
Time&Space 50
Computer Literacy 50 |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 3000
Poison AC 3000
Projectile AC 3000
Radiation AC 4425
Agent or NanoTech.
Agility 900
Intelligence 900
Level 200
Ranged Init 125
Nano Init 125
Dodge Ranged 50 |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 4425
Poison AC 3000
Projectile AC 3000
Radiation AC 3000
Martial Artist or Shade
Stamina 900
Agility 900
Level 200
Add All Off 25
Phys Init 125
Evade ClsC 100 |
Saboteur (yellow) |
Smuggler (red) |
Zealot (cyan) |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 3000
Poison AC 3000
Projectile AC 4425
Radiation AC 3000
Soldier or Engineer
Stamina 900
Intelligence 900
Level 200
Max Health 1500
Time&Space 50
Ranged Init 100 |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 4425
Poison AC 3000
Projectile AC 3000
Radiation AC 3000
Enforcer or Trader
Stamina 900
Intelligence 900
Level 200
Max Health 1500
Computer Literacy 50
Duck Exp. 50 |
Chemical AC 3000
Cold AC 3000
Energy AC 3000
Fire AC 3000
Melee AC 4425
Poison AC 3000
Projectile AC 3000
Radiation AC 3000
Keeper or Meta-Physicist
Stamina 900
Intelligence 900
Level 200
Add All Def 25
Time&Space 50
Melee Init 125 |
Final word
Well, what is there to say.. The AC's of the sets aren't the best there is - although,
one must remember that one sleeve is missing (unique sleeve) and so is a backslot
item and a helmet. With some proper gear attached to those slots, the armor is
far from bad. The various bonuses are nice as well, especially for the Saboteur
and Smuggler sets - more HP is never wrong. As far as the requirements goes, 900
might seem a bit steep, but at level 220 it should be no problem to squeeze into
these, and hey.. There are always lower versions out there as well.
Last updated 30.January 2004
Harloana, Atlantean
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