After you've gotten yourself the Basic Jobe Suit,
you might be looking forwards to getting the first customized Jobe Armor - the
Tier 1 Armor. And we got the lowdown on how to get your filthy mittens on it! |

Firstly, you ought to know that the Tier1 armor is a quite timeconsuming task.
You will need a lot of time and you might want to get yourself a few comrades
since some of the mobs we're about to hit are quite nasty.
First things first though - if you havent gotten
the Basic
Jobe Suit - now is the time, you'll need
it in order to get the Tier1 armor built. Notable
at this stage is that not all of the Basic Jobe
Armor parts can be upgraded - you'll need to wait
with the pads, backpack and helmet - tuck those
away in your wardrobe and grab the other pieces
and lets hit it!
Jobe Suit Vest |
Jobe Suit Sleeves |
Jobe Suit Pants |
Jobe Suit Gloves |
Jobe Suit Boots |
The first thing we need to do after getting the Basic Jobe Suit is to travel a
little. Our travels will take us into Elysium and Scheol. If you're fairly highlevel
and have a team, you might want to go directly to Scheol. What we're going to
do is waltz into the Archaic Dungeons of Roch's Keep and The Court, looking for
Visions and Embryos - and not just any Visions.. you'll need to find the correct
Vision for your profession, as you can see from this little table below.
The best place to get the Visions and Embryos is in Scheol at either Rochs Keep
near the Temple Bog at 1700 x 380 or in the Redeemed Temple near The Court at
590 x 420, although they do exist in the dungeons of Utopolis in Elysium as well.
If you opt to go to Elysium, you should know that Embryos here are rare - in fact,
they will most usually only drop from the bosses in the dungeon. Visions are frequent
even in Elysium though so if you want to get those fast, we recommend the dungeon
in Utopolis, Central Elysium, as your first stop.
These are nasty, foul-smelling and angrier than a Rollerrat in
a slingshot. The inhabitants of the Archaic Dungeons of Scheol and Elysium are
filled with them, they're called Spawns of Ann'wn and they dont like you even
the teensiest bit.
The spawns of Cwn Ann'wn are far from the only bloodthirsty mobs you will encounter
in the Archaic Dungeons however as you will notice, everything from sentient amoebas
to robotic machinery is out to get you and pound you into next week. Its a very
good idea to bring a healer and a calmer into these dungeons as the mobs are no
easy pickings - especially nasty are the slimy amoebas who insist on sucking your
ability to cast nanoprograms from you, so if the doctor of the team starts screaming
it might be a good idea not to pull those extra 5-6 mobs "just for fun".
Now for the loot.. apart from some miscellaneous items of interest, like mentioned
before - what we're looking for are Visions for your profession and Embryos. |
You will need one Embryo and three Visions for each armorpart you want to create.
This is a total of 18 Visions and 6 Embyos, so bring your lunch, its camping time.
Consanguineal Embryo of Annwn
Small bladdery and bloody clump of tissue.
This repugnant organism can on occations be seen floating in the rivers of Acheron
and Lethe.
Once you're done with the Archaic Dungeons and
spent two months in therapy we need to obtain
some more things. You will need to get some profession-specific
Novictum and a bunch of Cannisters of Pure Liquid
Notum. You will need QL50 or higher Cannisters
in order to complete the process, which you can
retrieve from Elysium-bosses with relative ease.
The best place by far to find both these items is the Spirits outside of Ergo
in Scheol. The spiritmobs will randomly drop Novictum and the bosses will drop
Cannisters of Pure Liquid Notum once in a while. The Novictum is not nodrop, so
you can safely keep any extras for your friends.
You will need one novictum per armor part - with a team killing
spirits it can still take a few hours though so you'll have to be patient.
For convenience purposes we made you a table of what novictum you need:
Adventurer |
Novictum Mud |
Agent |
Transparent Novictum Gas |
Bureaucrat |
Radient Novictum Gas |
Doctor |
Pure Novictum Liquid |
Enforcer |
Compact Novictum Stone |
Engineer |
Crystalized Novictum |
Fixer |
Mist of Novictum |
Keeper |
Spongy Novictum |
Martial Artist |
Novictum Sand |
Meta-Physicist |
Plastic Novictum |
Nano-Technician |
Caustic Novictum |
Shade |
Carbonized Novictum Stone |
Soldier |
Porous Novictum Stone |
Trader |
Fragmented Novictum Crystals |
With all the pieces now ready, save for a number of Cannisters of Pure Liquid
Notum that you'll need to get later on, we're now ready to start the process
of upgrading your Basic Jobe Suit set. You will need to travel back to Jobe and
seek out your profession IPS representative in any of the shops in Jobe.
Hand him or her three of the Visions and one Embro and you will get yourself a
Glyph. The Glyph you receive will be used in making your armor, and is Unique,
which means that you cant hand in all the Visions and Embryos at the same time.
In our case, its a Yellow Glyph of Ocra.
Yellow Glyph of Ocra
This ancient piece of machinery was made in bygone times - before ruin befell
the Shadow Lands.
Now grab hold of your Cannister of Pure Liquid Notum and use it on your
Glyph in order to awaken the spirit inside the glyph and make it receptive..
Thankfully enough the Glyph is not nodrop, so if you dont have the skills for
the next two steps, finding someone that has wont be too much of a bother.
+ |
= |
Yellow Glyph of Ocra - Awakened
This ancient piece of machinery was made in bygone
times - before ruin befell the Shadow Lands. |
Combining the Notum and the Glyph takes 550 in Quantum Physics to achieve.
Now you need to wrap your glyph around the specialized Novictum you obtained earlier.
+ |
= |
Glyph of the One
This glyph gives benefits only to Metaphysicists. |
This requires you to have 600 Psychology and will land you with the final
Glyph you need. The only thing left to do now is to combine the Glyph with the
armor piece of your choice and voila! Your very first Tier1 Armor part!
+ |
= |
First Tier Metaphysicist Body Armor
Plastic Novictum in combination with the living, yellow glyph of Ocra,
has made this Jobe armor piece stronger and more flexible. |
This last step requires you to have 450 Computer
Literacy, and cannot be done by anyone else
as the armor is nodrop, so get those complit-implants
ready if you dont meet the requirements..
To upgrade the rest of the parts of your armor,
you will now need to find more Cannisters of
Pure Liquid Notum. A few quick trips to Scheol
and back and you ought to have your armor soon
As you might've noticed, the armor is QL100 -
the armor will ugprade itself when you rightclick
it, increasing both its statistics and requirements.
The levelling range for this armor is 100-160,
so keep rightclicking until it hits that limit.
Below are examples of the Meta-Physicist and Enforcer
Tier 1 Armor at QL160. The statistics and bonuses
will vary from profession to profession as you
can see from these examples.
Armor Class
Projectile AC 2290
Melee AC 2665
Energy AC 2665
Fire AC 2290
Cold AC 2290
Radiation AC 2665
Chemical AC 2665
Poison AC 2665
Intelligence 585
Psychic 480
Meta-Physicist |
Max Health: 100
Max Nano: 300
1H Blunt: 16
2H Blunt: 16
Runspeed: 16
Melee Init: 15 |
Projectile AC 3320
Melee AC 3320
Energy AC 3320
Fire AC 2730
Cold AC 2730
Radiation AC 2730
Chemical AC 3320
Poison AC 3320
Stamina 585
Strength 480
Enforcer |
Max Health: 350
Melee Init: 40
Sneak Attack: 30
Fast Attack: 30
Runspeed: 20
Final word
As you can see from the stats, the armor is far from impressive - keep in mind
though that this is the armor without helmet, pads or backslot items. What really
is worth noting are the requirements which, for QL160 armor are abnormally high,
almost breaking the 600 limit (where we can find armors such as Omni-Tek Armed
Forces, Sentinel Armor and Azure). Still, its one step out of many in order to
get the coveted Faithful/Chosen tier armors!
Last updated 23.December 2002
Areenigne, Rimor
Mystaro, Rimor
Doul, Testlive
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