As you might be aware, lately there have been a couple
of nifty new spraycans popping up in missions. Unfortunately these cant be used
to redecorate your Yalmaha or used to spray in the eyes of drunken trox's making
advances on you. But what they CAN do is upgrade your Carbonum. |
The new Carbonum sets are sided, which means that if you belong to the Omni-Tek
corporation you will have to use the Omni version (surprisingly enough!) and if
you're clan, you'll have to use the clan version. If you are neutral, you have
our condolances, since you cant use any of them.
First things first - the Carbonum set. If you don't have a full set of carbonum,
now is the time to get one. You can read all about the workings of making Carbonum
Armor in our guide
here which covers what you will need for that part of the process. Once
we're done compiling all our Carbonum Pieces, our inventory should contain these...
Carbonum Plate Helmet |
Carbonum Plate Gloves |
Carbonum Breastplate |
Carbonum Plate Arms
- two of these |
Carbonum Plate Legs |
Carbonum Plate Boots |
The next thing we'll need are a couple of the new spraycans. Aptly-named Omnifiers
or Clanalizers, these can be found in pretty much any mission above QL50.
For a full set of Sided Carbonum Armor you will need seven cans though, so it
might take a while before you get them all.
Don't be too alarmed if you find the cans opposed to your side, as there as certain
to be people wanting to trade in the Omnifiers for a fresh Clanalizer
and vice versa. And if not, bonk them gently on the head and ask again.
The process of turning Carbonum Armor into Omni or Storm Carbonum Armor is pretty
straight-forward. Any trox with a working index-finger can do it, given they have
enough chemistry skill for painting it.
+ |
= |
Omni Carbonum Breastplate
This is special Carbonum armor, made for loyal Omni-Tek employees. |
+ |
= |
Storm Carbonum Breastplate
This is Carbonum Plate armor with some additional augmentations, fit for any free,
Omni opposing individual. |
The actual amount of Chemistry needed depends on the Quality Level of the
Carbonum Armor - 4 times the QL of the Carbonum armor will be needed or you wont
get past the child-safe mechanism of the spraycan.
As you might have noticed, the Omni-version of the armor is white but the Clan-version
stays the same color. Don't be alarmed though - the Storm Carbonum doesnt look
like regular Carbonum - its actually faded light blueish in tone rather than the
murky orange "sunburnt" color of the regular carbonum armor. These aren't
the only modifications of the armor however, so we compiled a small comparison
to look at below.
Carbonum Set QL200 |
Storm Carbonum Set QL200 |
Omni Carbonum Set QL200 |
Projectile AC 3500
Melee AC 4200
Energy AC 1740
Fire AC 3500
Cold AC 3500
Radiation AC 1740
Chemical AC 4200
Poison AC 3500
Max Nano 650
Max NCU 56
NanoC.Init 56
Stamina 580
Agility 476 |
Projectile AC 3500
Melee AC 4200
Energy AC 1740
Fire AC 3500
Cold AC 3500
Radiation AC 1740
Chemical AC 4200
Poison AC 3500
Max Nano 650
Max NCU 56
NanoC.Init 56
Nano Resist 140
Stamina 580
Agility 476
Clan |
Projectile AC 3500
Melee AC 4200
Energy AC 1740
Fire AC 3500
Cold AC 3500
Radiation AC 1740
Chemical AC 4200
Poison AC 3500
Max Health 700
Max Nano 650
Max NCU 56
NanoC.Init 56
Stamina 580
Agility 476
Omni-Tek |
As you can see, the Storm Carbonum armor adds more for nano-classes than the Omni
Carbonum Armor. Storm Carbonum adds a nifty 140 Nanoresist. The Omni Carbonum
armor on the other hand adds a massive 700 boost to your Health.
Last updated 13. July 2003
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