Now we're talking armor. Omni Armed Forces is the
ultimate upgrade to the old Elite so many corporate people are so fond of. Rather
cumbersome to get, involving a few quets and some major bosses, it's certainly
up there with the absolute best of armors. Something to look forward to when you
hit Titlelevel 6 for sure. |
Since every piece of this seven piece armor is gotten from different
locations, bosses, and quests, we start with the simple ones and move on up until
we have a full suit. Most of the action will happen at the Tower Facility in Wailing
Wastes, so you better get a know of the area and what goes on there. You'll
also need to be familiar with the Tower Base in Avalon, named the Main and Secondary
Base. But first things first.
Getting the Sleeves and the Gloves is by far the easiest part. This only involves
a bit of patience and an able character around level 150 or above. Make your way
to the Tower Research Base in Wailing Wastes - it's in the far upper right corner
of the map. Once you spot it, beware the huge towers guarding the entrace. In
a Yalmaha, you should have no trouble skipping past them and inside though. Once
inside, follow the curve in the road right to about where the curve ends (see
map). Right next to the road here is a small campfire, with a series of barracks
in the background.
Around this campfire, the evhul rebels we are looking for are
known to drop by, giving their men a little peptalk on fashion. Normally there
are just drone soldiers here, but from time to time a Field Commander drops by.
This is the type we are looking for. Easily distinguished by their "Field
Commander" this and that in their names. There are several types of commanders,
but all serve the same purpose. |
Once killed, another one will drop by about every 20 minutes. On rare occasions,
the Field Commanders will also have a group meeting here, when you can catch 3
of them at the same spot. Each Field Commander has a chance of dropping either
the gloves or the sleeves - or rather, the item we can use to trade in for some
proper Omni Armed Forces armor:
DNA-Locked Superior
Sentinel Armor Gloves
The DNA-lock on this piece makes
it impossible to use by anyone else than the original owner. |
DNA-Locked Superior
Sentinel Armor Sleeves
The DNA-lock on this piece makes
it impossible to use by anyone else than the original owner.
This is the gear the rebels use, and obviously not of any use to loyal Omni-Tek
employees, being DNA-Locked to their owners and all. However, we'll figure out
a way to get what we want out of this as we head for Avalon and the Omni-Tek Tower
Bases there.
The man to talk to is Supply Master Eel, located
in the the Secondary Omni-Tek Base at 900 x 1600.
Strike up a chat with Eel and you'll soon spot a venue of approach telling him
that you have found some DNA-Locked Superior Sentinels Armor. Do so and Eel will
ask you to hand it over, one piece at a time. No worries, as this is where we
reap our first rewards. Eel will give you back matching Omni-Armed Forces armor
for every DNA-Locked piece you give him.
Get on the good foot with Eel, as he is the one to more or less supply us the
rest of the suit. |
Now we have our first pieces, the Omni-Armed Forces Sleeves (x2) and Omni-Armed
Forces Gloves.
Omni-Armed Forces Gloves
These gloves is an upgrade of Omni Pol Elite Armor. They were once crafted
for bodyguards of high ranking Omni Tek Officials.
Omni-Armed Forces Sleeves
These sleeves are an upgrade of Omni Pol Elite Armor. They were once
crafted for bodyguards of high ranking Omni Tek Officials.
From here on, getting the following pieces will kick up quite a notch in effort,
so be sure you are prepared - a good or large guild is a must unless you join
up the larger raids being organized on these mobs. Next up we'll try for the helmet.
Strike up a conversation with Eel again and he will give you a quest to retrieve
a little brown book from the Clan's Supply Master, Smug. This book contains a
list of names Eel would love to get his hands on. The reward for returning the
book is the helmet, so a good idea would be to take this quest after
you have the book in your possession.
Smug can be found back in the Tower Base in Wailing Wastes, and is generally
one tough mofo to take down (he looks just like Eel, with a similar outfit). Generally
regarded as one of the thoughest mobs in the game due to the amount of Doctors
needed and time it takes. Without going into detail here on how you bring him
down - there's a good chance your guild know this, so ask for their help. Skipping
to the after-part, grab the book off Smug and return it to Eel for your helmet.
Just be sure you have the quest running before doing this!
Traded |
Omni-Armed Forces Helmet
This helmet is an upgrade of Omni Pol Elite Armor. It was once crafted
for bodyguards of high ranking Omni Tek Officials. |
Four pieces down, we kick it up yet another notch. Next part is the chest piece,
and this also involves a small quest, but this time gotten from General Kaehler
Jr. Kaehler wants you to bring Commander Fredricksson's head on a platter,
and this isn't as easy as it sounds *ahem*
Kaehler can be found in the Secondary Base in Avalon, so
just strike up a conversation with him to eventually get the quest. Be careful
though, Kaehler is a General and won't stand for any witty brats. In fact, if
you try to talk back or throw jokes, he'll send you to the reclaim terminal faster
than you can say "Who do you think you are, big shot?"
The head is properly attached to Commander Fredricksson, so the first step would
be to take it from him. Needless to say, he will try to stop you. Darned uncooperative!
Next we need a platter to put it on, and this drops off Smug sometimes. Meaning
he will not always drop the platter you need, so getting these two pieces
together might very well be a drawn out quest. Assemble the pieces by putting
the head on the platter and hurry back to Kaehler for your reward. Be sure to
have the mission running. |
Traded |
Omni-Armed Forces Armor
This body armor is an upgrade of Omni Pol Elite Armor. It was once crafted
for bodyguards of high ranking Omni Tek
Officials. |
Now, two pieces left - one hard to get if you can call it that compared to these
others, and one very straightforward. The Pants drop of Commander Fredricksson
nearly all the time, and you should probably have seen them drop alongside the
head earlier. In addition, the pants are also rumored to drop off Smug now and
DNA-Locked Superior
Sentinel Armor Pants
The DNA-lock on this piece makes
it impossible to use by anyone else than the original owner. |
Omni-Armed Forces Pants
This body armor is an upgrade of Omni Pol Elite Armor. It was once crafted
for bodyguards of high
ranking Omni Tek Officials.
Trade the pants in with Supply Master Eel to recieve your Omni-Armed Forces counterpart
as before.
The boots however are a bit trickier - they have dropped off Commander Fredricksson
on a couple occasions, but the droprate here seems extremely low. It appears the
idea is that the regular Commanders drop these though, as they used to following
the patch where the omni-af armor was introduced - these are not the Field Commanders,
but the rather tough Commanders that run around getting High-Commander Fredricksson
his coffee and donuts. However, they don't drop anymore (as of patch 14.7.8),
and it's uncertain wether they are supposed to or not. Until the devs clarify
this matter and/or fix the error, a lot of loyal omni-Tek employees will run around
barefoot unless they are lucky enough to steal a pair from Fredricksson.
DNA-Locked Superior
Sentinel Armor Boots
The DNA-lock on this piece makes
it impossible to use by anyone else than the original owner. |
Omni-Armed Forces Boots
This body armor is an upgrade of Omni Pol Elite Armor. It was once crafted
for bodyguards of high
ranking Omni Tek Officials.
But all in all, there you have it - one full suit of Omni-Armed Forces, sweeter
than donuts. Breaking it down to pieces, look at these rather compelling stats:
3950 Chemical AC
4250 Melee AC
4250 Radiation AC
4250 Projectile AC
4250 Energy AC
3190 Cold AC
4250 Fire AC
4250 Poison AC
+10 Sense
+9 Agility
+8 Intelligence
+8 Psychic
Requirements to wear
Stamina 550
Strength 550
Level: 190
Faction: Omni-Tek
+720 Max Health
+68 Max NCU
+60 Runspeed
+10 BioMet
+8 Treatment
+14 Ranged Init
+14 Melee Init |
+22 Assault Rifle
+14 2h Edged
+14 2h Blunt
+14 Ranged Energy
+10 Shotgun
+8 Rifle
+8 Bow
+8 Melee Energy
+12 FullAuto
+10 Burst
+10 SneakAttack
+10 FastAttack
+9 FlingShot
+8 AimedShot
+8 Brawl
+8 Dimach
+16 Evade Closes Combat
+16 Perception
+38 MapNavigation
+8 Parry
+8 Electrical Engineering
+8 Computer Literacy |
Final Word
Definitely one of the best armors out there. Some pieces of this armor suits certain
professions very well, while others are nice enough for some of their stats and
AC, but not exactly matching up that good - like mixing melee skills in with ranged
skills and such. However, this armor follows the latest stunt from Funcom by tagging
on all the possible skills on an armor and be done with it so that chances are
there's atleast something in there you can use. Until more specialized armor appears,
we're afraid your agent just have to accept the fact that you suddenly got a bit
better at brawling barscenes. Of course, no one says you have to wear all of it,
and most of the drawbacks can be remedied by mixing a bit. Even so, overall this
armor stands quite well on it's own no matter what profession you are.
Last updated 15. March 2004
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