Are you ded 'ard? Of course you are! And like everyone
else thats ded 'ard you want some ded 'ard armor, don't you? Yes, of course you
do. And there are few things thats harder (or heavier) than massive steel, so
get those muscles bulging while you squeeze into this one! |
Yup. Its definitely different! It might get you targeted by your local mutant-hunting
parties at times, but don't worry about such simpletons, they just don't realize
your obvious greatness. Now. To the matter at hand.
The first thing you ought to know before going out there getting the pieces you
will need for this armor is that its unfortunately not a whole set, which makes
you look rather rag-tag and rough and also its Male-only.
The second thing you ought to know about this armor is that while, yes, it involves
some camping. It might take a while before you get hold of one but on the up-side,
the mutants we are about to camp aren't exactly the toughest around but rather
shoddy and frightened creatures. We are sure you have heard of them before - the
Oh yes, its payback time for those times they ganged up on you at level 4 in Omni-Forest.
Oh yes indeedy... |
You can find Eye-mutants practically everywhere, however, its been our experience
that the ones around level 10 will most often drop this piece of armor. If you
have never encountered Eye-mutants, shame on you!
The armor stands out like a fish on.. on.. er.. it stands out when you loot, so
there is no risk of missing it really.. this is what you are after right here.
Massive Steel Body Armor
This is the protective plating that most Eyemutants wear. It is intact, but it
cannot be worn by humans due to the ID protection on it.
Your mouth watering yet? Now we need to get to a shop in order to buy some supplies
we need to create the armor. You will need an ID-Extractor and a Hologram
Camera from the General Tools and Bases booth and the Hacker tool
from either the Tools or the Devices booth in any store.
ID-Extractor |
Hacker Tool |
Hologram Camera |
The first thing we are going to do is to combine the Camera with the ID-Extractor,
like in a lot of other tradeskill processes.
+ |
= |
This item contains your own, personal data. |
This takes no skills at all to achieve and you will end up holding an ID-Data
which we are going to use on the armor in a short while. But first we need to
remove the ID-Protection on the armor using the Hacker Tool.
+ |
= |
Hacked Massive Steel Body Armor
This is the protective plating that most Eyemutants wear.
It is intact - and the ID on it reads zero. This means you
can attach your own, personal ID to it and wear it. |
This step requires you to have 60 Mechanical Engineering skills to complete
and you will end up with the near-finished body-armor. Please note that the step
after this will make the body-armor NODROP, so you might want to give it away
if you are female or atrox, since it can only be worn by males.
+ |
= |
Massive Steel Body Armor
This armor is made from the massive steel body armor that Eyemutants are normally
wearing. As your abilites raise
you can upgrade it - to give better protection. |
All done! You should now be the proud owner of a QL10 Massive Steel armor. This
is a NODROP, levelling item. Which means every time you rightclick it, it will
increase a level (as long as you meet the requirements naturally). It will level
all the way up to level 50, so you might actually save quite a bit of money on
using this one instead of upgrading the chest-armor all the time. We will show
off the statistics on a QL50 steel body below...
AC Statistics
Chemical AC 300
Melee AC 360
Radiation AC 360
Projectile AC 360
Energy AC 360
Cold AC 120
Fire AC 120
Poison AC 300
Strength 150
Psychic 150
Male |
Final word
The AC on the armor is very nice for its level excepting of course the obvious
gaps in cold and fire AC. The requirement of Male is a bit harsh though we think.
We can think up a number of Atroxes that would love the chance to be dressed to
kill in this heavy-duty armor. As far as the looks go - its too bad there really
only is the chestpiece, it would have been very nice to have a full set, but alas..
such is not the case.
Last updated 02. May 2003
Nocredsfrj00, Atlantean
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