Ever watched one of those fashion-shows from good
old earthdays where lovely ladies will walk down the catwalk clad in pretty much
anything you can find in the gutter like milk cartons and old tractor tires? Well,
in the year 29477 junkarmor makes a comeback. With a vengeance. |
The first thing you ought to know before you set out to gather
this set of armor is that you will really want to have gotten hold of a MRR:Shape
Hard Armor. If you haven't, a screwdriver will work but skill requirements on it
will be quite high. Also - very high QL's of this armor requires astronomical
amounts of Mechanical Engineering. If you aren't trader or an engineer you might
actually find yourself hardpressed to get the amount needed so be forewarned,
you might need to hire a trader or engineer.
The first item on the shopping-list is a Precious metal reclaimer. Actually,
if you plan on making a whole set of Junkmetal armor, you will want to get eight
of them since each one is destroyed when reclaiming one piece of robot junk. They
can be found in the Mechanical and Electrical Tools booth in your local
shop and can be costly if you are low on credits. A full set will set you back
at least 80.000 credits from these alone.
Next, we need robot junk! As we're sure you know, you can find lying around
on pretty much any robotic mob on Rubi-Ka from the eeniest Probe to the biggest
slayerdroid. These mobs can be found through-out Rubi-Ka in almost any zone, Pleasant
Meadows is a goldmine for these, presenting robotic mobs from level range
40 all the way up to 180.
Now, after hours of killing and hopefully getting some welldeserved experience
from it, its time for the actual process. You will want to use the Precious
Metal Reclaimer on the piece of Robot Junk you have in order to make
a Sheet of Junkmetal.
+ |
= |
Sheet of Junkmetal
This is a sheet of metal, made from robot junk. It can be used for making
armor, using a Mass Relocating Robot (Shape Hard Armor), or a screwdriver. |
This takes 6 times the QL of the Robot Junk in Mechanical Engineering to
accomplish. In our case, we hired ourselves an engineer to reclaim the metals
from the Robot Junk. No easy task I don't mind telling you, especially after the
bill from the engineer dropped into our mail.
After you have gotten your sheets all done, its time to get hold of some HSR Sketch
and Etch robots. You can find these in the Pharmacy and Chemistry Tools and
Bases booth in any shop.
HSR - Sketch and Etch - Arms
- Used for Arms |
HSR - Sketch and Etch - Gloves
- Used for Gloves |
HSR - Sketch and Etch - Boots
- Used for Boots |
HSR - Sketch and Etch - Helmet
- Used for Shoulderpads |
HSR - Sketch and Etch - Chestpiece
- Used for Chest |
HSR - Sketch and Etch - Legs
- Used for Legs |
Junkmetal has no helmet and perhaps thats for the best. Who would want to walk
around with the smell of garbage in their noses anyway? Instead, there are Shoulder
plates, and the HSR - Sketch and Etch - Helmet robot is used to produce
those. Now its time to apply the HSR robots to the junkmetal sheets, getting our
etched patterns done.
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Etched Pattern for Junkmetal Breastplate
This sheet of junkmetal plating has been etched with the patterns for all
the 149 pieces needed to build one uni-size plate armor breastplate. |
Using the HSR robots on the sheets takes 4.5 times the QL of the sheets in your
Chemistry skill to achieve. Remember that there are two arms and two shoulderpads
so you will have to use those two HSR robots twice. Now to the final bit, we'll
soon be strutting around clad in the finest of junk!
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Junkmetal Breastplate
A breastplate made from robot junk. |
This step requires you to have 5 times the QL in Mechanical Engineering and 4
times the QL of the sheet in Electrical Engineering (If you are using a
MRR:Shape Hard armor robot that is). If you are using a screwdriver,
prepare to bite down, because it will require you to have 6.5 times the QL of
the sheet in Mechanical engineering and 6 times the QL in Electrical
engineering, making this the hardest armor to date to create.
Yay! Hurrah! Other-exclamations-of-joy! All done! Our precious junk is all superbly
made into a Breastplate! One neat thing about this armor is that it adds to your
health for every single piece, something of a "poor-mans-azure" you
might call it if you stretch the truth a bit...
Junkmetal Breastplate
+200 Health |
Junkmetal Gloves
+50 Health |
Junkmetal Arms
+50 Health |
Junkmetal Boots
+75 Health |
Junkmetal Legs
+125 Health |
Junkmetal Shoulder Plate
+25 Health |
Lets take a look at a full set of armor and look at what we've just managed to
put together, shall we?
QL200 Junkmetal
Projectile AC 3450
Melee AC 2850
Energy AC 2850
FireAC 1415
Cold AC 1415
Radiation AC 2850
Chemical AC 2850
Poison AC 3450
Agility 580
Strength 476
Max Health +600 |
Final word
While the Junkmetal armor is a nice armor as such, the health-modifiers are nowhere
near enough to compensate for how high requirements to build it are. It is definitely
an option at lower levels (especially if you cant afford more expensive armors
like CAS) but at higher levels we cant really recommend strutting around in it
unless you feel you want to be different really. A nice set of armor but with
tradeskill requirements that are shot up a bit too far for our liking.
Last updated 25.April 2002
Iiris, Atlantean
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