Are you an Adventurer
in need of some proper protection? Drawing too
much aggro and need something to keep you alive?
Well, this nifty little item might just do that.
Enter - Adventure Shields. |
With the introduction of the Fixer/Adventurer
patch some time ago, there are special adventurer-only
shields around now - most can be found as loot
on mobs, and covers all damage types, one shield
for each. But there is also one that can be built
from scratch using store-bought items and it's
as easy as that!
What you will need are two things. Firstly, a
Deflection Shield, which can be obtained
from the Devices booth in any shop. You
will also need a Neutron Displacer, which
you can buy in the General Tools and Bases
booth. You will need a Neutron Displacer of
at least 50% QL of the Deflection Shield you want
to convert. The Neutron Displacer is a multi-use
item and will not vanish once used, so we warmly
recommend that you get a high quality one.
Combining these two items by a simple process
will make the finalized Adventure Shield.
This - the first and only step in the process
takes exactly 3.5xQL of the Deflection Shield
in Quantum Physics skills to complete,
and after that you will be the happy owner of
a Adventure shield and prepared for any eventuality!
+ |
= |
This 'portable high voltage
protection shield made
especially for Adventurers,' should
be placed in the utility inventory
slots. |
The Adventure shield itself can be placed in almost any available utils- or deck-slot,
and used at will. It requires Parry-skill, so if you want to use it, be prepared
to spend some IP into Parrying as well. Get out there and .. start.. Parrying?
All the shield does when activated is block general dmg for a short time. Several
Adventure Shields exist and can be found in the game, for various types of damage,
but at this point there doesn't seem to be a way to produce these specialized
The various specialized Adventure Shields can
go in the Util 1-3 slots and protects against
that type of damage for a short duration.
Adventure Shield
Adventure Shield |
Adventure Shield |
Adventure Shield |
Adventure Shield |
Adventure Shield |
Last updated 27.September 2002
Kzak, Atlantean
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